I cut Papaya's skin :(

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I'm really glad things are working out okay! I would have been beyond stressed too but we all try our best right?

I'm still stressed because his prepuce is swollen. I hope that won't affect him being able to pee... He seems ok, but I'm still worried :S
I'm still stressed because his prepuce is swollen. I hope that won't affect him being able to pee... He seems ok, but I'm still worried :S

Of course you're worried, you love him :)
I'd say try not to but I don't think that would help much.
I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts. Hoping the swelling goes down without much issue and quickly.
Of course you're worried, you love him :)
I'd say try not to but I don't think that would help much.
I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts. Hoping the swelling goes down without much issue and quickly.

Thank you :)

He's a happy little dude tonight. So happy, that hes been humping kiwi, whichever way he can get her... Typical male... lol Of course i stop him when i catch him. I dont think his private area is that sore... I did
give metacam last night & tonight, so hopefully that helps with the pain (if there is any) & inflammation, since it is an anti-inflammatory.

Poor guy has had so many meds today. He's good about it though. I just lay on the floor with him, & put the syringe up to his mouth, & he takes it just like that.
Thank goodness I don't have to fight him to get him to take them!
I wish Sloane would do that with meds. That's pretty awesome. She spit her Bene Bac, back out at me today lol. Had to smush it back in. :)
I tried going without the bunny burrito but it's just not working. I make up for it with romaine now ;)
It sounds like he's doing pretty good if he can harass Kiwi :) He's getting pain relief and antibiotics, so not much more that you can do. And he doesn't sound like he feels all that bad. You want to keep an eye on the swelling, but I would imagine it will have gone down some by tomorrow.
I'm glad to hear things are working out and he's doing better. You know he's feeling fine with his head in the hay bag! :)
Everything in life is a learning process and we learn with people and our pets as we grow up with them. We all want to do the best we can, achieve the most we can, help our families, friends and loved ones, and of course bunnies the most we can. In short, we want to succeed at the highest level in all our endeavors, and we also want this for our pets. In that aspect we never do anything intentionally to cause them any type of harm. Every thing we do is with the best of intentions and with the best for them in mind and that is exactly what you were thinking and doing. Now he's better and everything is fine and hopefully you can find a groomer or someone with rabbits in your area that can help you out with those tangled areas with him, like a spotter.. I know I need someone like that with my chihuahua's when I do their nails.
They can get nasty! All in all glad to see he's getting close to his normal self!

Orchid- I've been very lucky with all my buns taking their meds like that. The only time I've had an issue was with kiwi, when she was super ill with stasis.

Jenny- his wound looks much better today. I just had a look at it, & I could hardly find it. It has gotten very small. It still seems a bit swollen, but much better then yesterday. Thanks goodness! He's in good spirits, but did get mad at me when I wanted to look at his area...

Lovelops- thanks for your post :) I do have a groomer that comes to my house for him. She was actually just here a couple weeks ago. I believe what my mistake was, was that it is a two person job. I'll have to get the SO to hold, & I cut, or vise verse. If someone else had been holding, I would have been able to see what I was doing better.
We live & learn I guess!

I'll keep everyone posted with his progress!

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