I bought some new pets today :)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
After a disaster with my last two fish I've had an aquarium with a sole pleco in it for almost 2 years.

Today I took one of my dogs to Petco and splurged...

2 ghost shrimp

1 white snail

1 blue snail

3 male guppies

3 striped danios

3 balloon (?) mollies

1 live plant

Right now Im a little worried about my shrimp though because I can't find them anywhere. I hope my pleco didn't eat them - he's pretty big :(

I don't think the pleco would have eaten them. Ghost shrimpies are masters at hiding. They are pretty low on the food chain (just above algae, woohoo!). If you have a HUGE pleco, it's possible they got nibbled on.

I love guppies! I used to have a lot of the flaming red and tequila sunrise males. My big, stupid angelfish ate them...

Good luck on your fishy endeavor!
Once you add shrimp to a tank it can be tricky to spot them again. I breed Cherry shrimp and have hundreds, yet you'd have no idea from looking at the tank as you can only spot a few at a time.

Also, depending on how small they are they could get eaten by the mollies. My rule is if its small enough to fit in their mouth it will get eaten, and if it doesn't they will still try to catch them.

Congrats on finally getting more fish! I have 10 fish tanks up and running right now. Nothing is more relaxing then watching an aquarium.
I think one of my guppies is a sunrise, but Im not sure.

I need a decoration for the tank and I need to get a python to clean it out.. so it's not pretty but here's a pic


Ok, the picture didn't load. I'll have to work on it again tomorrow...
Congrats on the fish. Hopefully you get the picture to work, I love looking at people's tanks. I have a 29 gal with 2 Goldfish, a 25 gal with tropicals, a 15 gal with a single Chinese Algae Eater (evil fish) & two 1 gal Betta bowls. My brother bought me a 55 gal tank for my birthday/christmas, the Goldfish will move into it, if he ever sends it to me. lol. I also have two 5 gal tanks I'm going to set up as Natural Planted Tanks for the Bettas.
I love fish but have horrendous luck with keeping them alive. I think I micromanage the aquarium too long. I've finally given up on trying to keep anything other than a betta because the poor things always die on me! I read that ghost shrimp coexist peacefully with bettas, but my betta kept trying to eat them so I had to bring them back to the store. Hopefully you have better luck than I did.

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