I am terribly concerned.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2007
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My only unaltered adult may be pregnant. Almost a month ago my adult males were fixed and since then everybody has been bonded like a big happy family. My female, who I have not had altered yet because of the babies, is behaving as if she might be pregnant! I cannot cannot cannot afford another accidental litter. I cried when the last one litter was born. 3 bunnies is different than taking care of 8 bunnies is different than taking care of 13 bunnies! I do not have the heart, or lack of a heart, to kill the newborn babies if she is pregnant. If she is pregnant, I have to find her a new home. I want a home that will guarantee an amazing life for the new babies.

I read on the hrs website that a male bun can still be fertile for up to two weeks after being altered. Why didn't any of the vets tell me that?! Here I was thinking that the mounting was a hurdle on the way to bonding but apparently my little girl was getting pregnant right in front of me. Or at least I think so.
Some things that you may need to consider are:

  • When did the mounting take place? (How far along is she in other words?)
  • Could she have a "false" pregnancy - they will pull fur around the 2-3 week mark if I remember right and ahve everything else appear to be a pregnancy
  • Could you keep her long enough for her to give birth in a home she knows and feels comfortable in and then rehome her later - or just rehome the babies?
I hate to see you rehome her if she is pregnant - being pregnant is stressful enough....but to have to go to a NEW home and get used to a new cage, etc. is so much trouble.

In addition - she knows you - she feels safe with you - and you've been through a litter with her.

If you MUST rehome her - please consider doing so AFTER the babies are born and weaned....

I thought about how stressful it would be for her to be rehomed before the birth or after. I don't want her to go at all but I'm not sure I can support another litter. She should be at almost three weeks now. I haven't seen her pulling hair but I've seen her snooping around to pick out the hiding spot for a nest. How can I know whether or not it's a false pregnancy? Do I just have to wait it out?
I wanted to mention that males can impregnate females up to 6-8 weeks after their neuter. So if they were together right after a neuter Im confident she's pregnant.

You do have some options if youre comfortable with it- many vets will do an emergency spay where, essentially, the babies are aborted. Some people disagree with this but many rescues do it because of the inability to care for babies once they arrive.

A vet should be able to palpate for you and tell you if shes pregnant

Why didn't my vets say that?! :X

I guess I'm making a trip to the vet.

Thanks for the article. Is approximately three weeks pregnant too late for the emergency spay?

...I'm going to neuter my vet. Of all the millions of things they drilled into me over and over how did they forget this one? Now I feel like a horrible rabbit owner for not having known that already.
Did your vet know you had an unaltered female at home?

I suggest finding a new vet if you do not feel comfortable with this one.
No they can still do a spay, especially if her health is at risk bc of nursing other babies. Is she generally healthy otherwise? Keeping her weight up? If so, Id go ahead with the spay if it were me.

Dont feel bad, a lot of people dont know this, unfortunately some of those people happen to be vets. :(
I'm going to try to get her into the vet tomorrow. I've found a new bun vet that I think I will like more. They seem less like a factory and more like the people taking care of my buns. Like you said Haley, I was worried about the added stress from feeding the babies and being pregnant but she seems to be doing well. Her weight has stayed about the same and I'm not seeing any red flags.

She's not pregnant and she is 100% healthy. She will be spayed on the 21st and I like this vet. She went so far as to humor me when I asked about my bun's crooked tail.
Oh that's good news. I'm so relieved for you and your bun, that you will not have to consider rehoming her... It's probably still best to keep her away from your neutered males until she is spayed though, if they were only done a month ago, there's still a chance she couldget pregnant?

Thats awesome to hear! Did she palpate her and everything?

If I were you, Id keep an eye out just in case..weirder things have happened around here. lol

Congrats though and keep us posted!
Palpate and ultrasound so we are 99.9% positive that we are baby free. I'm really glad too because that emergency spay would have really attacked my conscience.
'Tis nice to breath. I was going to smack the vet but then I took into account the fact that she would be telling me whther or not my bun was pregnant etc. So I decided to hold off until later but she got away too fast.

My only question left is why is my bun acting like this? False pregnancy? It's driving me nuts because she tosses all the litter out of each and every box, low sides, high sides, it doesn't make a difference to her.
Is she pulling fur? My Lucy went through this before she was spayed. I came home one day and she had a huge wad of fur hanging out of her mouth and was in the closet building a nest out of toilet paper! She was mean too!

If it is a false pregnancy it should pass in a few days

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