I am pretty sure my rabbit is not a rabbit...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2013
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So we have had Spot a month now and he still does not act like a rabbit at all (compared to lots of other bunnies on here and what I read about them).

  • He does not like to jump very high at all. If he jumps more then 7 inches I would be really surprised.
  • He does not chew ANYTHING. Well he might take a few nibbles at a paper towel roll if I cut it but even that is pushing it. I have tried those nibbler woven toys, grass balls/mats, wood chew toys, cardboard, apple/willow branches, plastic, etc. He has no interest in them at all. He does eat his hay.
  • He does not dig. He has not tried to dig anything including dig boxes.
  • He still does not binky :eek:( He is on carpet and runs around but won't binky still! He seems very happy but honestly all he wants to do is lay while someone pets him!
  • He does not do bunny 500's. He will hop quickly after us when we leave the room but he has never just gone nuts and run around like crazy. Actually the only time he does hop at a faster speed is to keep up with us as we walk around.
  • He does not thump. Ever! Even when making a loud startling sounds.

Quite honestly he acts more like a dog than a rabbit! He follows us around and once we sit plops himself down and waits to be pet. It's a bit odd. I still wonder if he is a senior and that is why he is not showing some of the more natural rabbit instincts (chewing/digging)? Anyone with/who had senior buns, do they stop doing all these things as they get much older?
Each rabbit is different. Some don't chew much and others are constantly chewing things. Some will jump high and be trying to escape all the time and others could care less about even a small barrier.
My rabbit doesn't really binky like crazy or do bunny 500s either. I leave him in a playpen--we're talking less than a foot jump to escape--and he never does lol. It's been like years. I know he is CAPABLE of it--a long time ago, he did jump out of his cage when I made him jealous by petting another rabbit. But he just doesn't like to.

But for a timid or old rabbit, a month isn't a very long time. There's lots of things he probably does that it might take you a while to witness.
My holland doesn't chew, or dig. But he does binky, but does not bunny 500.

My female dwarf chews like crazy and digs like crazy. She will do a binky but it's like a inch off the ground. Never seen her 500.

My male dwarf binkies and bunny 500's doesn't chew much and doesn't dig.

Then we have my 14 week old Flemish and he chews, digs, binkies and 500's all over.

Lol whew
Yea, I am not upset that he does not chew stuff. It allows me to really trust him when out and I don't spend a ton of money buying him chew toys. I just thought it was strange because he is SUPER laid back. Just hoping he is not like 11 years old and won't be with us long :tears2:
Well, most rabbits are "senior" rabbits after 5 years, and they can live like 13, even longer. My rabbit was approximately 5 years old when I got him, so your rabbit could have quite a bit of time left, even if he's calmed down quite a bit. But you'll enjoy whatever time you've got anyway--ten years, five years, two, whatever.
So from reading that, I'm pretty sure that Ellie is the most rabbity of rabbits. LOL She jumps high, binkies about 2 feet off the floor, does bunny 500's, chews everything, digs everything, eats everything! She goes so crazy in the morning that you would think something is trying to kill her. She runs from one end of the kitchen to the other and jumps 2 feet in the air and slams to the floor, thumps her feet all around, skids into cabinets. Its hilarious!

My first bun though, Foo, didn't do those things. She was really laid back, didn't chew other than a few phone cords. Didn't dig a whole lot, nothing that was bothersome. She did binky but it was a barely visible hop, didn't do bunny 500's. She didn't thump either, she just kind of hung out.

But Ellie doesn't flop like Foo did. Ellie bunloafs all the time, where Foo would DBF to the point of being scary! LOL

I agree with a month not being that long for you to have him. So there might be some behaviors that you haven't seen yet with Spot, since he may not 10000% comfortable yet. He may surprise you! But right now, he sounds like a total sweetie and you should love that!
I agree you with the other. You just might not be seeing it yet. For the longest time I didn't think Twig's did the bunny 500. Then one morning I saw it. We've had him over 1 1/2 years and I've only seen him do it maybe a couple of times, but I'm sure he does it every morning. He's super funny about it. He'll only do it at the crack of dawn and if no one is looking. If I happen to be up that early for work and quite in the kitchen I'll hear him in the living room flying around and jumping off the walls. Then minute I look in to see him he'll stop and stare at you until you leave then he'll start back up again.

Just give him time and for the chewing be thankful! My poor couches look like swiss cheese. lol
I just leave Kido's cage open 24/7 because he won't go over the lip. It's too high for him. He mostly just lays on his blanket with his little front feet tucked in and watches. If he's doing anything else he's probably out of food or water and trying to get someone's attention to fix it.

Amako's cage could be left open too but that's because Amako just preferred her cage to running around. She liked enclosed spaces. All she did when out was to poop in front of Shimo's cage probably out of territorial instincts since they were both intact females.
Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk, you're probably missing it all by being asleep! My buns sleep in my room so they're more active throughout the day and I see binkies galore! Sounds like you have a cutey though! I named my first bun Dog (my bf said I could have any pet but a dog, it seemed fitting!) though it seems much more fitting for you haha :)


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