I am baffled

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Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Seven Valleys, Pennsylvania, USA
Ok so I have about 6 years experience with rabbits and never had this happen. Over a month ago I bred 4 does ( 1 holland lop,1 lionhead and 2 mini rex) to 4 different bucks. All 4 does were NOT first time mothers and all have been great mothers with very nice babies in the past. I bred them to have x-mas babies as I had a long waiting list on all 4 does ( some going as pets but also some to 4-h kids). Well about 1/2 way in I know that the Fuzzbucket ( the lionhead) aborted/miscarried. I found the eviedence in her pen. At the time I did check the other 3 via palpation and letting them see a buck. 2 of the 3 went at the buck ( who was on other side of cage). Palpation sure felt like there were babies. Well they were all due on the 20th of nov. But nothing, no nest making or anything. So I thought "maybe" I messed up with the dates. But still nothing. Called a vet I have worked with in the past and she figured I messed up on date too or else they were never pregnant. She didn't want to see them as they are all fine ( no temps, no discharge and eating fine). I really don't know what could have happend. They are kept in the barn but inthe summer they have a fan and in the winter a heater so temp is constant. The only thing I know happened was my husband was putting their roof in ( it has a really high ceiling so in winter we put up a 6-7 foot high ceiling to help it stay heated). But we do that every year and all the does that were bred were here when we did it last year. But the next day is the day Fuzzbucket aborted. Any ideas? I feel really bad for those kids that were waiting for bunnies. Thanks Cathy
Most breeders do not recomend the "testing". Putting a pregnant with a buck stresses them and than and sometimes do make them abort or absorb their babies. I would expect the experiance with the bucks stressed the does to the point of absorbing the babies. Plus if a pregnant doe rebreeds she can possibly get double pregnant. If they breed even at 2 weeks then she could have all the babies on the first batch's due date and the younger babies die or on the last batch's due date and probably all the babies be dead.
Oh no I NEVER put the buck in with them. The 2 does that acted up I was just walking by with a buck and they always act that way when they are pregnant and I walk by with a buck. I take them out to the excercise pens almost daily and some of my does are very obviuous with their signs
That is very strange. I don't know much about this subject so hopefully some more people will come by and help you out.
You bred all the does each to 4 different bucks?! That's a little strange and dangerous. They most likely just didn't take. Sometimes that happens.

For the kids that were waiting for bunnies, they should understand what happened ;) Hopefully :?

I believe that she meant that each doe was bred to a different buck.

A friend of mine had conception problems and miscarraiges for 6 months. She finally had all of her feed and hay tested and it was the hay. I don't remember what was in it but when she stopped using it the problems stopped after a couple of months.

Yes Yes I meant each to 1 different buck. As I mentioned I do have about 6 years experience in rabbits and alot more in dogs and other animals. Worked as a vet assistant for several years too. So I am not that dumb. ( not that you implied that)

Roger I wonder if your friend had a problem with Toxo? That was the only thing I could think of so far. I feed manna pro- pro. The hay we make ourselves and all the goats and horses get it too. Although I always pull the bales I like for the rabbits and they are in a seperate area. They get veggies several times a week and an animal cracker about once a week. I too have no other guesses and as I mentioned the vet didn't seem concerned since everyone is doing fine. Oh I also leave the light on for about 12 hours to help fool them. The does ages vary from 1 1/2 to 3 years old.

How do you go about getting the feed tested??

I can't remember the exact name of the mold in the hay but I am sure it was the cause. I have emailed her to ask her. You can contact your local extension service and I am sure that they will have the names of some labs in your area.


I am guessing they have had a litter before? if so I doubt this could be something wrong with them, have the bucks been bred sucessfully before?
Yes all 4 bucks are proven as well as all 4 does. I don't breed back to back I usually wait a few months in between litters ( but I Have always done that). I never had any problems before. And all 4 does that this happened too are some of my better adjusted does. Meaning not much seems to bother them as apposed to some of my does that are a little more flighty. No new bunnies have been added and the cage setup has remained the same as everyone seems happy with their placement. I have been trying to research what could have happened. 1 doe not kindling would have been understandable but 4. Especially when at 13 days I palpated their bellys and 3 of the 4 were definatley pregnant. The 4th I couldn't tell for sure but with her I usually can't. So I still don't really know what to think. I have not tried to rebreed anyone.

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