Husband won't let Rabbit upstairs:(

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Maybe you could suggest he build a bunny cottage like some of the rabbit homes that are posted on the RO site. OMG I can't believe how nicely they can be made with water and heat. And while he is at it, he canadd Internet and throw a desk and a laptop in there also. :DI would be lost if I didn't have my bunny doing circles around me every so often while I am on the computer. He reminds me that I need to take a break and enjoy the wildlife.

Just let your husand know the contractor will be there on Monday... :biggrin2:


So a HEPA filter was recommended to me to solve stupid boyfriend allergies. it's worked fantastically. I recommend that you get one for the child's allergies. Also, allergy meds, and even shots. And some good old fashioned sucking it up.

As for dirty... I don't know about your husband, but in my experience, men have great difficulty not being filthy pigs. The bunny is undoubtedly cleaner than hubby, so hubby should clean up his act before criticizing bunny's cleanliness.

It sounds like you're great with cleaning up after bunny. I find that cages tend to be dirtier and harder to clean than x-pens. Plus, with an x-pen, bun will get more exercise and will be better able to assert his/her presence as a pet that is NOT going anywhere. Can you put the hay in a hay rack for bun so it's not all over the place? And does bun have a potty box?

Just some thoughts. Non-bun-lovers suck.

Ok, just a question or two. Is your son allergic or does your husband just say he is and the kid believes he is because of it? Do you have other house pets and if so are they allowed in the house?

Put your husband in the basement and let him out from time to time. Or you could let him stay outside with a winter coat and see how warm he can stay when he is trying to sleep. Even in spring and summer the nights get

My thinking is an animal that is brought into the family is family!!! Doesn't matter what it is. Tell your husband to be a man and suck it up!

tort wrote:
My thinking is an animal that is brought into the family is family!!! Doesn't matter what it is. Tell your husband to be a man and suck it up!

:thumbup "Tell your husband to be a man and suck it up!"

lfusfeld wrote:
As for dirty... I don't know about your husband, but in my experience, men have great difficulty not being filthy pigs. The bunny is undoubtedly cleaner than hubby, so hubby should clean up his act before criticizing bunny's cleanliness.

Too true! Did you see that news article saying that men make on average 7 hours extra housework for women?

When your hubby talks about the wild rabbits outside and compares them to your pet bunny, tell him that they're different species. In fact, they're not even in the same family. Domestic rabbits came from wild European rabbits and don't tolerate heat or cold as well as wild buns, especially since pets usually don't have underground burrows which are very insulating.
I did not see that article, but I believe it - 7 hours. The crust on the coffeetable, the crumbs ALL OVER, the water splashed all over the sink, and best of all, the "pee pee drip" (I call it that to emasculate and embarrass boyfriend into aiming better and not letting it drip down the front of the bowl). What about me says "I like to clean up other peoples' piss?" Anyway, a man calling a bunny dirty is the most ironic thing I've heard all day. My boyfriend would get a big slap if he tried to say that.

Hah, I hope I haven't offended any men on this forum. Men are great, and maybe you're clean, but my experience...
Seriously - is every person on this site dating/married to the same guy?! I was laughing so hard reading the stories about "messy men".. My BF, love him to death, but honestly I came home onenight and he was using a glass jar for his milk - When I saw this I asked "whats up with the jar", his response - the dishes in the dishwasher are dirty.. I asked, did youthink to addsoapand turn it on?..

I'm sure you can finish that story..

Smokeysmomsmom, I think you have enough amunitiion to solve this dilemma; but the best advice I think was the building of the bun hutch with heat, a/c and running water.. Men may not want to clean up, but they hate to pay out $$ more..

Good luck and please update.
lfusfeld wrote:

The crust on the coffeetable, the crumbs ALL OVER, the water splashed all over the sink, and best of all, the "pee pee drip" (I call it that to emasculate and embarrass boyfriend into aiming better and not letting it drip down the front of the bowl). What about me says "I like to clean up other peoples' p*ss?"

Most excellent point. I never realized that some grown men can't aim itto the right destination until I had one live with me. What is up with that!!!? To think that is bad enough, but finding "other end" stuff when sorting laundry is gross. Come on now!! I have zero problem picking poos up from the bunnies, but reaching into the laundry basket for dirty underwear is another thing. :shock:And don't forget the **** facial hairs left all over the sink.... Ever hear of putting a towel across the sink before trimming the beard or mustache? Stacking is another thing... Do they not learn that activityin grade school. Things do fit much better in a drawer when they are stacked believe it or not! OMG this is a whole topic for a new thread!

Oh I feel so sorry for all you guys with the messy boyfriends / husbands! Hard to believe, maybe, but I'm the one that gets to make the mess around here, and my BF goes around cleaning up after me! He may grumble about it, but he's a complete neat freak! He vacs up the bunny poos at least three times a day. =P

Okay, so this may not be any of my business. But I caught some things in your original post that raise red flags for me. You used the terms "his son" and "my daughter". Again, it may not be any of my concern...but do you have a blended family? Maybe his attitude has more to do with some other underlying issues than whether or not the bunny is messy. I've never been in that situation, so I can't even begin to relate. But I know that sometimes the step-parent/child relationship can be a tricky one...especially when both spouses have children from previous relationships.

I wish I had great words of wisdom, because I would really love to see you be able to have your bunny inside with you AND have a peaceful marriage and home.

Like everyone else, I get fed up with non-bunny or non-animal people not getting it. But most of my friends and familyeither support my animal wacko-ness or they at least ignore it.

Oh, and my hubby is messy, too. (He would definitely drink from a jar if the dishes were dirty rather than wash them. lol) I have to say, though, that he is as much of an "animaniac" as I I feel blessed.

Hope you are able to solve your "problem" with the least amount of contention in your family. Will be thinking of you.

~Mary Ellen

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