How often do your bunnies stand up?

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Benny my foster bun does this but it is to check out what is on top of his cage, i have a top on his nic cage cause he is a jumper so when he is checking out what is on top of it or something on my desk he gets up on his back legs. But what he does alot is moves his box out of the corner, puts his back to the corner i guess to help his balance and then stretches up , but then what happens is he slides backwards and then he struggles trying to get himself upright. I had to stop putting boxes into his cage to cause all he does is stand on top of them and then stretch up nearly killing himself,lol.

Charger will also sit there and stretch up to see what is going on sometimes. A couple of times he has lost his balance and fell over, he is too cute, bad but cute
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
I had to stop putting boxes into his cage to cause all he does is stand on top of them and then stretch up nearly killing himself,lol.

Spirit is soo bad about jumping up on things..I knew rabbits hopped but her ability is something that shocked me.. Just yesterday she hopped up on the table where I keep the cat's food, from there she hopped onto the case where we keep the dvds at and from there hopped on top of the bins we have stacked up in the closet ( they are at least as tall as me ) so she was about 51/2 feet off the ground in a matter of seconds!! She really scared me and I tried to be totally calm when I went and tried to assist her down from the jungle gym she created..but she just spazzed out because she knew she was doing something she shouldnt be doing and jumped down by herself. I'm so glad she didnt get hurt! but I wished I had a camera with me to catch her expression when I saw her way up there..she stared at me for like 10 seconds with this look that my kids giveme when they've been "caught"..she soo knew she was being bad!:p
Ruby's a periscoping-a-holic. Everynight when shes out on the deck, she periscope's about 8x's and all you can see is this little head and helicopter ears poking over the top of the door. It's totally cute :D Fluffy though doesn't do it that often, maybe 3x's a week?
Mine does it whenever he's excited about something in general. If I'm stressing him out with nail trims or something, he'll run around and stand up to look around like he's trying to find an escape route ;-)

He also does it a lot when he gets excited in the evenings and ready to run around. It's like he needs to look around first and make sure everything's safe before he heads out of his cage and into the dining room.
My Smudge does this a lot - she did it ALL time when she was a it's not quite as often, but she out of her whole litter of 8 was the only one.
Neither her mom or dad did it very often (unless they sensed danger).
Btw, all my bunnies are basically free-range and have never been caged for more than a time.
Barney and Snowy hardly ever periscope, unless they're out in the garden, in different surroundings- then they'll do it a bit, but not very much.

Mouse and Chalk do it ALL the time. They are so curious! They'll do it in their cages, out to play, at us when we're sat on the sofa in the evenings, all the time.

I always put it down to the fact that Barney and Snowy are generally quite laid back mellow bunnies, who just like to sleep and chill out most of the time, but Mouse and Chalk are cheeky, curious, hyper and just plain crazy, lol. But, I really don't know!

Dotty is somewhere in between. She perisciopes, but not a whole lot. She tends to do it a lot on the bed, which means I have to put my hand behind her because it's a soft surface and she can get carried away and topple over lol. She also tends to do it at night so sometimes I wake up to a big bunny nose and ears peering at me in the darknes :ph34r2
Nibbles does it sometimes. I think when bunnies stand up they're just curious and want to look around. It's cute when Nibbles stands up :)
Among all the bunnies I have fostered, I've found that in general the smaller bunnies tend to periscope more than the larger breeds, and uppy-earred bunnies more than lops. Right now I have Marcia, a Netherland Dwarf. She is a climber. Marcia is always standing up trying to figure out how much highe she can get.
elrohwen wrote:
If I'm stressing him out with nail trims or something, he'll run around and stand up to look around like he's trying to find an escape route ;-)

Is there any bunny out there who likes having his nails trimmed? I doubt it. :p
mouse_chalk wrote:
I always put it down to the fact that Barney and Snowy are generally quite laid back mellow bunnies, who just like to sleep and chill out most of the time, but Mouse and Chalk are cheeky, curious, hyper and just plain crazy, lol. But, I really don't know!

My Bugs is an extremely mellow fellow, and he never stands up, so I think it does have something to with general temperament.
mouse_chalk wrote:
Dotty is somewhere in between. She perisciopes, but not a whole lot. She tends to do it a lot on the bed, which means I have to put my hand behind her because it's a soft surface and she can get carried away and topple over lol.

That is cute. :)
Well my guys don't really do it the only one who does it really is Sonic, And he just really noses into everyone's business.

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