How much/often do you feed veggies to your bun?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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, Kentucky, USA

I've heard different things from each person. So, How much do you feed? What kind and how often?

Thank Youu! :D

I have two bunnies. Every day they split about 5 cups of veggies (one is 4.3lbs and the other is 5.5lbs).

My boy only eats lettuces, so I get romaine (comes in a nice big head), green/red leaf, escarole and chicory. I usually buy whatever heads look the largest since a small head of green leaf only lasts for two feedings.

My girl has a wider appetite, so I get her a lot of parsley and spinach (her favorites) and try to buy other greens to see what she'll like. I tend to see what's the cheapest and grab some of it.

Each week I probably buy 4-5 heads of lettuce and at least 3-4 bunches of parsley.

eta: For bunnies the size of mine the HRS recommends a minimum of 2 cups per day, so I feed a little more than that.
Both of my bunnies get a different amount. They both get feed veggies twice a day, in the morning and at night. I don't really measure it out. I feed red leaf, green leaf, endive, dandelion, cilantro, and parsley.
Benji is 4 1/2lbs, and gets about 3 cups of chopped vegetables a day.
Pippin is 6lbs, and gets about 4 cups of chopped vegetables a day.
Some of their favourites include curly kale, pak choy, carrot (limited due to high sugar content), and adore brussel sprouts (again limited as can cause gas). I often feed them herbs such as mint and basil, and romaine lettuce, along with dandelions, and occasionally cabbage and broccoli (limited- gas).

I try and give at least a variety of 3 different veggies per day.

Both get atleast 5 hours access to fresh grass every day (if you class that as a vegetable), and eat lots of that, from what I see.

They eat also get fruit 2-3times a week (a few chunks at a time).

My buns (age 1+ and 8 months) get carrots, potatoes (lol) and leafy veggies.

For fruit.. apples, strawberries, oranges (rarely) is mainly what they are fed

About twice a day.. not really measured out :p
Toxic food lists need to be taken with a grain of salt. Oftentimes a food is not toxic, but just bad for the bunny.

Potatoes are on this toxic food list (all parts--stems, leaves, and unripe fruit):

But on this list, from the same reputable site, "eyes and new shoots, green parts" are toxic:

Cooked potatoes (the tuber itself) are not good for bunnies because they're so high in starch. I am not sure if the leaves and stems, uncooked or unripe tubers are toxic. I would not feed the tubers at all because they are so starchy, again, but I don't know about the leaves and stems. I'll look into it more.

I feed my guys:
the 4 and 5 lb pair get 2c of veggies twice a day
the 2.5 and 3lb pair get 1c of veggies twice a day.
According to wiki, the leaves, stems, and fruits, which are not the tubers themselves but a tomato-looking thing produced after the flowers are fertilized, are toxic. The green parts of a tuber can also be bad for you.

This article also confirms this:

I am inclined to think that the green parts are not healthy, and the tubers should be avoided due to high starch content. If your bunny eats one leaf or two, though, it probably won't kill them.
The potato plant belongs to the nightshade family, which is known tobe highly toxic.

I found a page that talks about horses and potato plants. If it's toxic to horses, you can pretty much bet it's toxic to bunnies.

I wouldn'tlet myrabbit eat even a leaf or two!

OK, sounds good. I had no idea that potato leaves contain nicotine. It's true, I found it in several locations. Best to avoid!
Actually, neither did I! I knew potatoes were in the nightshade family which is highly toxic, but not that they were related to tobacco plants and, therefore, contained nicotine!

Potatoes are also related to tomatoes, petunias, eggplant, paprika and chili peppers, mandrakes, and deadly nightshade.Who knew? :shock:


P.S. Er, sorry to hijack this thread so badly! Carry on as you were! :whistling
funnybunnymummy- The hiijacking is fine! If someone searches for potatoes, then this will be good to know!
Potato leaves are definitely toxic. In fact, when the potato was brought to Europe, a lot of people tried to prepare the leafy parts and got really sick so didn't eat the potatoes themselves. Now we know that the tubers are good eatin' and the green parts are the toxic bits.

My rabbits each get about one cup of veggies, twice a day.
For greens, our vet recommends a serving equal to the size of the rabbit's head each day. She is extremely conservative though, and I ignore that recommendation. I feed a little over a cup of romaine with a garnish of baby spinich and cilantro and one baby carrot each day to the buns.
Becca gets about two cups or so of grass and weeds of the morning and maybe cup and half of veg of the night. I feed romaine, green leaf lettuce, collard greens, parsley and a organic mix I buy that has many diffrent types of greens in it that I can not get in any other way. Then I have turnip, kale, mustard and radish greens in the garden that I pick a little off of every few days(they are not very big yet).
I don't really measure it out. Basically, I have these hanging metal toys that you're supposed to put treats in, and I stuff those full of greens.

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