How many here cage their bunnies?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2012
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Oceanside, California, USA
I feel so bad about having to put my formerly free roaming bunnies in an x-pen (large). Mischa wouldn't stop chewing my cords so she can't be out when I'm not here or asleep, and it isn't fair to be separated from Nikolai so I put them both in there. It takes up more than half my room, so I guess that comforts me a little that they have space.

But I'm going to make a door for it so that when I'm here they can go in and out as they please.

Anybody else?
Yeah, Teddy and Maya are caged when I'm not at home and they take turns being out when I am home, but before I got Maya, Teddy was free-run. I don't think you need to feel bad about it, it's for their own protection.
Archie and Agnes are free run during the day, caged at night.

I also agree that you shouldn't feel bad. It sounds as though they still get adequate time out.
Yeah, the whole time I was at my new job orientation today I was wondering if Mischa had managed to Houdini her way out of the temporary cage that I had for her while I was out. I wondered what I'd find chewed up when I got home. The whole time, mind you. It was terrible.

She was still in when I got home, but when I returned to my room after doing something 10 minutes later, she was OUT OF THE CAGE, in the second litter box with Nik. I have no idea how she got out (maybe jumped on the bed), but oh my god.
Monty is in a large dog crate most of the day and all night. I'd like to work up to having her free-run the kitchen during the day, but her mouth is all too interested in the 1/8" buildup of paint on everything in this century-old apartment, and I can't risk her chewing stuff up and ingesting lead. Gonna work on bunny-proofing more because as she gets larger, I feel worse that she's cooped up. But it's also for her safety and my sanity, she has plenty of space to flop out and toys to play with, and supervised run times during the day
Yea, I hate that I have to cage them. I love when bunnies can run free, although my room is pretty small with all my furniture in it. I just can't worry all day at my new job working that Mischa might chew through a cord that could electrocute her, ya know?

Niki has to suffer for her bad behavior, but at least they are together and will keep each other company in the pen while I am at work.
I have my whole bedroom bunny-proofed, but my buns are only out of their cage (42 inch dog crate) when I'm both home and awake. My roommates also have pets and I like to leave my bedroom door open for airflow when I'm gone and I don't trust them all together alone.
I cage Conan in the morning when I sleep. The cage takes up 1/3rd the room so its pretty spacious, plus I do it more to keep the cockatiels out of his hay and cage. At night when the birds are caged Conan has the run of the room. When I'm home and awake or my wife is Conan gets the run of the whole apartment. Overall hes a happy bun and likes to mostly keep to his cage so I never feel bad for caging him.
mine are technically caged 24/7 because it was easier than bunny proofing and their litter box habits are far from immaculate... granted, they've got 120+ square feet between the 3-story condo and the massive run (the run and condo are two 16' long playpens + 10 NIC grids total in circumfrence). at one point Nala learned to climb the 48'' high pen, but I've got her thwarted with posterboard now.
My buns are in a cage when we are at work or asleep. First thing i do when i get home is open the cage and they both jump out straight away. I wish they could be out all the time. I just worry about wires and my settee that Thumper has tried to bite a couple of times :grumpy:

Thumper was on his own for nearly 3 months til we decided to get him a friend and now i dont have to worry so much :biggrin:
My 2 girls share a 3.5x2x2 (LxWxH) NIC condo. They spend most of their time in there. Since finding a stray kitten on October 29th they have only been out to run 2-3x for a couple of hrs each time. I feel REALLY bad about it but I do not trust my dogs or the kitten with them. Plus my room is a crazy mess and the kitten decided to turn their litter box into its litter box. Also I am not 100%sure that my room is fully bunnie proofed yet so they have to be supervised while out to run. HOPEFULLY I can get someone to help me move some fernature around in my room and we can move their cage in there so that they can be free run most of the day. But for now they are cages MOST of the time and seem to be doing fine. When they are out to run at my parents house on the weekends they spend most of their time asleep in their cage anyways.

Sorry for such a long drawn out post. But to sum it all up, my rabbits are caged most of the time.
My bunnies are caged at night and have the downstairs all day. Their cage is too small (IMO)for 2 to be caged all day and I knew that when I made it. But since they're out all day, it seems to work just fine.

You can see the size here. (this was after it was cleaned. That grass mat is now about half that size from all their chewing, lol)


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