How do people treat you?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
, New Brunswick, Canada
Hi me again...I am just full of questions tonight!

I have quite a few animals, and people always talk to me like a I am a freak because I love animals so much. They can't understand how I can have rabbits in my house. Why would I want a ferret? I also have dogs and cats and a chinchilla. I must be crazy. I love my animals very much....and like them better than most people,but how do you tell people politely that you are not a freak?..because really it makes me mad when people tell me that or make fun of me. I usually try to educate people about my animals...and sometime I get through to them. I also know people think my house is like Doctor Dolittle with all of these animals running loose in my house. But then someone will come over and say where are all the they do have cages and no they don't just run loose...duh!

Do you guys ever have this problem. How do you deal with it?



PS hope this thread makes sense...I don't feel I am conveying what I mean very well!
I know exactly how you feel. I get that quite alot as well. In fact, I was in Home Depot the other day and asked this worker guy where the cardboard concrete forms were and he asked what I needed it for. I told him I was going to make Bunny tunnels for my rabbits to play in. He stopped dead in his tracks and rolled his eyes! I wanted to smack him. I politely said, " Yep, Seriously. One never realizes how much joy there is in watching a Bunny play with a tunnel.. give it a try sometime. :) "
I've been told I am trying to fill a void in my life with my love of animals. I just say, maybe so, but I think the world needs to come back to the basics of life and loving and caring for animals is one way to do it. The world would be a much better place if we all had that type of unconditional love. We could all learn alot from animals if we just opened our minds, hearts and took the time to do it.
They usually think I'm even more crazier than I thought,k but they really can;t argue with the last statement. The response i usually get is" You are so right".

I also have found that I will start seeking out friendships with people who think and feel the way I do. Everyone needs support and friends with common interests. Notice all the support groups for illnesses and such. Clubs for common interests. Doesn't make you a freak at all, in fact, it makes you an incredible human being with a big heart.
Hold your head up proud to be a freak! ;)

I was getting NIC and the guy asked why so many. I said I was using them for cages. He had me describe how to do it because he wanted a bun. Also asked me a few other things.

Was getting fleece and the lady who cut it asked why. I told her and ended up having a 30minute talk. She said when schools done she will be looking into getting a bun.

Sealy wrote:
I know exactly how you feel. I get that quite alot as well. In fact, I was in Home Depot the other day and asked this worker guy where the cardboard concrete forms were and he asked what I needed it for. I told him I was going to make Bunny tunnels for my rabbits to play in. He stopped dead in his tracks and rolled his eyes! I wanted to smack him. I politely said, " Yep, Seriously. One never realizes how much joy there is in watching a Bunny play with a tunnel.. give it a try sometime. :) "

When i buy pet food and supplies ..I buy in bulk on certain things(horse feed,dog food,rabbit food and the such) and they are like you must have alot of animals...I try to explain that I have certain things budgeted for certain paychecks during the month... and people turn their nose up about rabbits in the house... the samme people who have ferrets(not that is any different than rabbits-at one time I had 4 ferrets) but i find my rabbits don't smell as bad as my ferrets did..( i still have 1 ferret)... when they smart off i say to each their own and I think I would rather have rabbits than other animals...
bat42072 wrote:
when they smart off i say to each their own and I think I would rather have rabbits than other animals...

Or a bunch of uncaring, insensitive humans!

JadeIcing wrote:
I was getting NIC and the guy asked why so many. I said I was using them for cages. He had me describe how to do it because he wanted a bun. Also asked me a few other things.

Was getting fleece and the lady who cut it asked why. I told her and ended up having a 30minute talk. She said when schools done she will be looking into getting a bun

Hahaha! Dontcha just love it when that happens? You spread the 'freakness' ;)
If people are curious, I tell them about my pets and inform them and such. If people are being rude or judgemental, I ask them what they have in their life that makes them as happy as my pets make me. Usually, they apologize or stop talking. :)
It's funny, I never get asked anything, I just offer the info. Like, when checking out of the grocery store and they ask what kind of greens it is, I make a point to tell them it's not for me, it's for my buns. One time not so long ago, I got some nic panels from Target and told the lady what I was going to do with them and she thought it was the coolest thing! I feel the need to gently educate the public on the possiblities!:biggrin2:
Sealy wrote:
I've been told I am trying to fill a void in my life with my love of animals. I just say, maybe so, but I think the world needs to come back to the basics of life and loving and caring for animals is one way to do it. The world would be a much better place if we all had that type of unconditional love. We could all learn alot from animals if we just opened our minds, hearts and took the time to do it.

Sealy, your words ring so true. I've been told this as well in the past, and have never denied that animals eliminate a void in me. But then again, aren't most people seeking to fill voids by finding something they are passionate about, and bringing it into their lives? I tend to think that we all have a void at one time or another...but once the passion is found, whether it is a pet, or helping others, or painting, or sketching, or dancing - the list goes on and on - then the void is no longer there. Only the added bonus with animals is as you mentioned...they bring with them unconditional love.

What is truly amazing is the power that animals can possess over us. Studies have been done proving that as healers, animals can do wonders, both for physical maladies as well as for mental/emotional ones. Animals have been placed in senior citizens' facilities, in prisons, even in hospitals in some areas, all showing remarkable results in the effects they had on rehabilitating the people they were in contact with.

Yes, I've had some adverse reactions from people with regard to my love for animals, but it no longer bothers me. I know that my pets bring love and happiness into my life, and I know that each and every one of them have had a specific purpose for coming into my life, just as I have in theirs...which is really all that matters. For those who don't connect with animals, or just 'don't get it', then perhaps they aren't supposed to...and for those who criticize, well...I tend to think that criticizm is often borne from that very thing...from not understanding, and sometimes even from fear of that which they do not know. But I do know that I will share my love of animals with anyone who is interested in listening. And for those who criticize, where it used to bother me immensely, it no longer does, unless the criticism tends to be particularly cruel...for I realize that the person just doesn't feel or see things in the same way as me, just as I don't feel or see things the same way that they do.

I guess that's all part of what makes the world such an interesting place. ;)
Bassetluv wrote:
Alot of really great and true stuff

Perfectly said. While reading this, I thought about the people who judge & criticize about our pets. Look deeper into them and one finds they are like that about many things. How miserable of a life that is. To be criticized and judged by them then, would actually be a compliment to your own good heart.
I don't care if people think I am "That weird bunny girl" I brag about my TinkleBunny and show here photos, including the one of her dressed up for Halloween. I find out that alot of people have had bunnies. The old ladies at my job love talking about their bunnies from when they were young girls. I have also found a friend at work who has a little dwarf bunny named Max. I bring things for the bunny and have spoilded him rotten. She told me that whenever she brings home a new toy from me she tells him, "Look what Aunt Star got for you."

I have made Max a knitted blue carrot rattle, gotten some baby keys at a garage sale, wooden blocks, a weird baby toy that had all sorts of handles on it and rattled nicely. I also have a minislinky for him. His favorites are the carrot rattle and the blocks (my bunny had to rub all over every block so he smells my pretty grey lady on them)

I like having someone to geek out about rabbits with, that is why I joined this forum.


PS. I love all animals, my roommate's BF used to call me DR. Doolittle because when we would sit outside and smoke I called over all the stray cats, 2 possum, a raccoon, and even a skunk! (not all at once though)
In my family, it's like my parents have 4 kids, me, my brother and sister, and my cat Ollie. He is a human, just stuck in a tiny furry body, and all our friends and family know that!:p

Unfortunately the bunnies don't get treated with the same respect, my family loves them and our friends know how much we love them, but I don't think they truly understand how a rabbit can be a member of the family.:rollseyesIt used to bother me, but now it doesn't. I know howspecial they are and that is the most important thing, anybody who doesn't understand bunny love....well it's their loss!:D
Well, I have 21 equines (after tomarrow it might be 20, someone who likes my horse that is for sale is bringing her hubby to see if he likes him, too), 8 dogs, a dozen cats plus I"m fostering a momma and her 6 kittens (and she and 4 kittens won't be leaving!), 4 buns, 2 lizards, and 6 goats.

So if someone thinks I'm the crazy animal person, they are probably right!

If people aren't into animals, I don't talk to them about my animals. If they are into them, or curious, I talk about the critters as much as they want to hear. I have people that come to me for advice on their animals (especially one coworker and her dog, who is her BABY hehe).

I have pictures hanging on a wall at work of some of my critters. I hang up the fun/interesting photos. Even non-animal people laugh at the funny shots and want to talk to me and ask questions about them. Some are amazed at what I do with my animals (such as the driving competitions hubby and I do with our mini horses). I have a coworker who is forever learning weird animal facts just b/c I feel like sharing and she likes to listen. She has 2 cats, and now b/c of me she wants a horse someday. Another coworker now wants to get a bunny after learning about them from me.

Usually, the people I associate with are also animal lovers... in fact, I don't think I have a good friend, save one, that doesn't like animals. And that one friend completely understands how I feel and doesn't think ill of me at all, she just prefers not to own any pets (my dad is the same way!). (not that they hate animals, they are just indifferent about them and don't want pets).

Personally, I don't care what people think about me. If they think I'm crazy, fine. Actually, I admit I"m crazy, just in a fun way ;) But anyhow, if they think I"m crazy in a bad way, so be it. They dont' know me well enough to know i"m not. If they want to know me better, fine. If not, well, then I don't care to know them, either.

I am who I am, and I am happy with who I am. Those who aren't don't bother me at all... if I bother them, that is their problem! ;)


lol i have the same problems. most people, once they get to know me and see how deeply i love my pets, accept it and find it amusing how obsessed i am. but often strangers look at me like i'm nuts for even caring about my pets. i've had the "rabbit stew" jokes thrown at me, etc, but those people are just sad and ignorant and i feel sorry for them that they have never felt the joy of bonding with an animal. they obviously don't realise how smart and loving and loyal rabbits can be.

i'd rather be viewed as "the nuts rabbit girl" than be like them anyway :)

Thanks guys. I usually don't care what people think...I am who I am and hearing you all makes me feel better.

I had bad experience over the weekend, and it discouraged me. I have 6 dogs, 5 cats, 2 ferrets, 4 buns, 1 chin, 1 rat, and a hamster. I tried to inform them and tell them what great pets they all are...but the bashed the ferrets and rat really bad. People have their opinions thats what I told them...I love them all and if you don't like them don't look at them!

Someday maybe everyone will benefit from the love of a pet or pets!!

Thanks again for sharing!
I haven't been here long enough to see what time frame is considered a "dead" thread so please do let me know if I'm being silly but I just needed to post this.

All my friends call my the crazy cat lady (Now that I have rabbits I guess they have to change the nickname lol) I move around a lot or I am sure to have a lot more animals. Next winter I'll be in a semi-permanent position (hopefully buying a house) so I'm sure my family will grow. I may be filling a void in my life with these little guys, but they are much more fulfilling than meaningless relationships with people, any type of drugs or other dangerous hobbies that other people pick up. They give me unconditonal love regardless of if I work odd hours, if I don't have a college degree (yet!), if I don't have a $100k+/year income, what kind of car I drive (or don't) and other superficial reasons. Sure, it's not easy taking care of animals, but it sure is easier than dealing with unrealistic standards.
Since im 12, people think I should have 'outgrown' rabbits. I hate how people think they are for little kids!

My family LOVE my rabbits, but my friends think im a little loco. Especially when I tell them about here! haha, its actually quite amusing to watch their facial expression when I tell them.

If they have a problem with it, I say, "if you were my real friend you wouldnt care, and if you have a problem with it, you better get over it, because im not changing!"

Good for you!! I have gotten so I feel like I am comic relief at parties..people go on about the amount of animals I have...the sad thing is when I am with a group of people I would so much rather be home with my kids and animals...but my husband drags me out!

I did something really bad yesterday and brought home another ferret...he is just a little baby...I needed a baby fix!! lol My youngest daughter is going to kindergarten and I think I did some shopping therapy!! lol but I love my ferrets so its all good...not sure what hubby will say but oh well...he can deal or get out!
PhinnsMommy, people around here are the same way. Especially because I'm 13, just a year older than you are. A lot of people think that I'm obsessed with my buns (can't say I disagree all that much!), but than again, there are people from my school who are just as crazy about their dogs as I am about my buns. I think people just think that having rabbits is weird.

Everytime the topic comes up, whether with a stranger, or a friend, I will go on and on about rabbits, and try and educate people until they grow bored of listening. But most of the time, they're too shocked by the facts that yes, you can littertrain a rabbit and that they need to be spayed and neutered that they listen to me talk. I especially love the faces on adults when I'm out at a store and I start talking, they seem quite suprised about my knowladge sometimes.
Most people think I am crazy. Having 12 rabbits, especially 12 indoor rabbits they question my sanity. Many people can't understand why I would have 12 rabbits inside my house. Well I tell them the weather in Indiana can be anywhere from death valley to antarctic and I couldn't see them outside in those conditions. They even give me stranger looks when I tell them I also have two dogs, a pointer and a rat terrier plus 2 rabbits. I love all my animals, well I tolerate the cats (wife and daughters). The rabbits were such a gradual increase, I have a blog about how I ended up with twelve rabbits. I try to use my novelty of twelve indoor rabbits to educate people about rabbits.

I have been asked why so many rabbits and I tell them they are so much fun and each have their own personalities. I tell them I have a Netherland Dwarf who has an attitude 10 times her size and a Flemish buck who will lay next to me or near me while I play xbox they are amazed. I have also told them of nips and bites I have gotten from some of my rabbits at times. They never knew that rabbits are not just carrot munching, BB making, timid animals. I show 9 of my rabbits and tell them of the rabbit shows my family and I go to and the fun we have and the awards some of my rabbits have won. I have only had one woman who couldn't understand why I show rabbits if I don't win any money, whatever, I could explain but people like that wouldn't understand.

Rabbits are such great pets and I never thought I would enjoy them so much. I really don't care whether people think I am not normal. I have known many people who don't nearly have the personalities of my rabbits.

So far I haven't run into any rude people when I am asked about or I tell people about my herd. I jokingly tell people this is the most affordable and fun mid life crisis I can have and its cheaper too.

I usually go with this method.

"Why the H### would do you have so many rabbits?"
"Your mom."


"Rabbits are dumb pets."
"Your mom is a dumb pet."

Eventually they leave or laugh. If htey laugh then I spread the wealth. And most peopel end up coming tot he rabbitry and leaving with a furball. Its a good fun way to sort out the people who are not worth my time. Looking immature in the eyes of a stranger always brightens my day, too.


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