Housing tips for outside?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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Our family is about to start transmigrating back to our summer habitat, re-developing our gardens and such.
  • When building a secure outside enclosure for bun, what should i keep in mind when constructing it?
-what materials?
-how big?
-what location?
  • how can i keep hawk-like birds and foxes, wolves out? ( we have little to no predators out here in estonia)
  • How do i distinguish between his edible and deadly grasses?
- how do i weed out the bad ones?
-is it okay if i just spill edible plant seeds down and let them grow there?
this is a good site
the only thing is space can be a minimum of 2ft deep by 5ft long, it seems big but your rabbit will be happy!
as for the grass yes it is ok to just spill them but make sure they are sprouted before your bunny goes there. NEVER use weed killers on plants around your bunny, it can cause lots of damage to his/her health and welfare. her is a great link for the plants.
Good luck and let me know how it goes, I would look into some pictures of hutches to help decide.
Materials: Whatever you have available, and can work with. I use wood from pallets, plywood, sheet metal, fences and wires of all sorts, whatever. I have hutches, surrounded by a fence. During daytime the rabbits can raom free in the hardly fenced in garden and meadow. At nightfall thy must return to the hutches.

The bigger the better, of course :D. Hutches don't need to be that big if they can get out during the day.

Location: The closer to humans the better. I have foxes and marten nearby, after initial problems when I moved here I think I figured out how to deal with those, the fence around the hutches helps a lot, and I have a wildlife camera to see what moves around my property. I , ahm, well, think that marking my territory helps a lot to keep predators wary, I do pee at a 30m perimeter around the hutches now and then :D I also have a radio running when the rabbits are out, it's a human sound, and everywhere else around here is quiet.
If something gets too close, and I can't scare it off, I kill it. The fox that killed 5 of my rabbits was a severe case of mange what drove it so close, I actually might have saved some other foxes. There was another, young fox too, but when it got inside the fence with the hutches I trapped it there for some hours, I've never seen it again.
The biggest threat for kits now are actually rats.

Birds arent really a problem as long as you don't have small rabbits or really, really big birds. Also having several hide options in their runs, and always have as many rabbits as possible out helps. If you have a lot of eagles or something there, stripes of cloth, or whatever, distanced half a meter and runnuing over their run will prevent large birds of prey to get in, they know they wouldn't be able to get out again.

About weeds and grass: Don't worry. They know exactly what to eat and what not, in a limited arrea you'll know soon what to weed out, since nothing else will be left ;). Just gradually start to feed them fresh forage 2 weeks before letting them on the pasture, if not used to greens they can get tummy problems when getting unlimited access to grass.
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sorry i forgot to add some things and it wouldn't let me edit it anymore, so i'll just repost!

Our family is about to start transmigrating back to our summer habitat, re-developing our gardens and such. Bun will have his inside area ( ventilated wood-shack-type building+lodging stand) like always and we're looking for ideas to build his outside enclosure part.
  1. we're looking for a bit more than a bare minimum sized run, but not willing to go way overboard either. planning to utilise a meter of stone wall left from who-knows-when(durable nonetheless)
  • When building a secure outside enclosure for bun, what should i keep in mind when constructing it?
-what materials?
-how big?
-what location?
  • how can i keep hawk-like birds and foxes, wolves out?
  • how do i keep my rabbit in it?
( we have little to no predators out here in estonia)
  • How do i distinguish between his edible and deadly grasses?
- how do i weed out the bad ones?
-is it okay if i just spill edible plant seeds down and let them grow there?
  • ideas for enrichment?
-what wood is safe? (pine birch spruce aspen etc whatever?)
i think aspen is the tree whose bark he's been eating, but still...
- are old car tyres okay?
- are raw pine planks nibbleable as in crates?
- what about those things? http://
- if i want to make a safe dig area, will a plastic box in the ground filled with sand/soil etc be fine?
Materials: Whatever you have available, and can work with. I use wood from pallets, plywood, sheet metal, fences and wires of all sorts, whatever. I have hutches, surrounded by a fence. During daytime the rabbits can roam free in the hardly fenced in garden and meadow. At nightfall thy must return to the hutches.

I'll see with my dad what materials we can scrape up. transportation wood bases ( or whatever they're called, i have no idea, EUROALUS in Estonian) I think dad's boss has some wire fence left over, and he'd be willing to sell it to us. we have another local who sells wood planks fairly cheaply?? idk about proper pricing hehe... vineer may also come from dad's workplace or something. well, we're nifty brains, so we'll manage, THANKS!

The bigger the better, of course :D. Hutches don't need to be that big if they can get out during the day.

His hutch-y thing is, in all honesty, too small for him, he grew more than we wanted him to, but who knew... he gets to roam free a lot now so its okay and once the outside thing is done, he'll be inside only when he wants or during night. he'll have options.
i want it to be bigger than the minimum, so i'll be able to enter for hanging around him, playing, decorating and gardening a little and other stuff like that.

If something gets too close, and I can't scare it off, I kill it.

We can't kill anything without a hunting licence here hehe.... i'm legally underage anyway...

Birds arent really a problem as long as you don't have small rabbits or really, really big birds.

well, i consider common owls and hawks fairly big. they've snatched away big pups of ours before. they're dangerous. maybe having a fence for a ceiling will help?

About weeds and grass: Don't worry. They know exactly what to eat and what not, in a limited arrea you'll know soon what to weed out,

He's an idiot that eats everything. i've seen him do that, and i legitimately lack trust for him on that part. he's eaten some weird wild flowers, and a lot of human junk food( potato crisps, gummy bears, ice cream, bread, grains, etc)
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Can't see the link, my computer safty thingy says No.

There are no deadly grasses. Any wood is safe for outdoor construction purposes. Digging area, just give them access to ground, and keep an eye on where their tunnels go. Old car tires aro ok, no problem with those.

Oh, there is one new, interesting question: How to keep the rabbit in?

My approach to that is, I don't bother about that much. I expand the area they can move in gradually, with the hutch always accessable.
I give pellets as treats, and always shake the pellet pail before giving them any. That's my "come home" call, and it even works when they got outside the fence.
One improtant thing is to stay calm. Never try to catch a rabbit that got out (unless it's a very experienced rabbit and just makes a point showing defiance). Just step on the opposite side of where you want it to go, move slowly closer until it perks up, stop and wait. It will hop where you want it to go, retracing it's steps home. Two long sticks help a lot with that.
well, that link was supposed to open, it did for me, but anyway...
they're just like a wooden slotted low stand on which products are transported on. these can also sometimes be seen in stores. how do you call them?

they're safe for him to gnaw on, right?
what type of wood is okay for him to chew?
yes, i meant those! eur-pallets indeed. we have a bunch of those. They are safe for him, right? for enrichments?
incase you were wonder why... I didn't know for like 3 years:oops:
Wood pallets are made from organic material – trees. Trees do not grow in sterile surroundings. The ground they are rooted in, the air they are surrounded by, and the water they absorb are not only full of nourishing material, but also a plethora of pests. These pests, whether mature or in the larval stage, are, unfortunately, all too easily transported from one area of the world to another in the pallet wood they inhabit. Therefore governments, environmentalists, and pallet makers have come up with a variety of ways to kill them during the pallet production stage so they will not be introduced in places they did not originate and do not belong.
this is from https://www.kampspallets.com/what-are-heat-treat-pallets-and-why-do-pallets-need-to-be-heat-treated/
There's really no worry about pallet wood, it's not a staple food anyway. No point getting paranoid about that.

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