Horrible Pet Store.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2009
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Nashville, Tennessee, USA
I went into the Rivergate, TN Superpetz and saw one of those horrendous bunny tanks. The two rabbits left looked awful. I asked two of the workers there why there wasn't any hay in with them and an older woman said that "they don't give the rabbits hay because it gives them the runs." That is word for word. I couldn't even correct her because I was overflowing with rage. They were putting Pedialite into the one water bottle and the rabbit I could see had fur that had matted up. He looked so pitiful. There were also flies swarming in the tank, which was absolutely disgusting. I asked if they had a veterinarian who came out to look at the animals and of course they didn't. Had I been there by myself, I'd... I don't even know. It's probably better that I wasn't there by myself.

I see things like this and it really makes me lose hope in ever being able to help animals. You can save 1,000 animals and have 10,000 take their place. :cry2
I hope you call your local animal control or Humane Society enforcement branch. Poor little ones!
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I hope you call your local animal control or Humane Society enforcement branch. Poor little ones!
I have to agree.
Unfotunately I run into terrible pet stores like that a lot too. And I know how you feel, I'm alone most of the time and I think hmm maybe I could just smuggle them away. But it's really terrible. There's one place in the local mall where they are in those tanks, two to a tank, and they are so lethargic and sad looking. They have zero hay, no toys, just a water bottle and a dish w/pellets. They do not respond when ever you touch them, like they dont' even notice you are there. The last time I was there, they had a Big bun in a cage by himself. He was I'd say almost ten pounds, and in a cage that was 3 ft by 1 or 2 ft. His conditions were diplorable and there were flies buzzing inside his cage. I snuck his cage door open and gave him an ear scratch, and he seemed very sweet. It is also very hot in there and no fans on. If it's uncomfortable for ME I can only imagine what it must be like for the poor buns. There is a local farm supply store that keeps rabbits in similar diplorable conditions. This place keeps buns in the big wooden rabbit cages, but they have mesh bottoms with no solid surface, and once there were Not Exaggerating 15-20 young buns all piled in one cage together!! Now granted this cage is about 4/5 ft by 3 ft or so, but that's incredibly too many!! It was sweltering hot in there, I was sweating and the buns were lethargic. I snuck and turned on a nearby utility fan I found, and pointed it on the poor buns. I can only hope it provided some sort of relief. It makes me so sick to see buns in this terrible condition. Crowded cages, no hay, little or dirty water, overgrown nails, danger of heat stroke, etc, etc....It breaks my heart and I feel angry and sad. I wish there was someone I could call, something I could do. But I don't know where to turn. If people can not take care of their animals they should not be allowed to sell them. Period. No bun deserves to live in conditions like this. They deserve the basics and more. So very sad. :(
Outside the adoption center where I volunteer is a framed copy of the starfish poem--the one about how it's impossible to throw all the starfish back into the sea, but it really matters to the ones you do save. All you can do is try whenever you see things like that to change them, and hope that eventually things will turn around overall, and at least the animals you do help will be better off.
NorthernAutumn wrote:
I hope you call your local animal control or Humane Society enforcement branch. Poor little ones!
I agree. That sounds awful.
I just hate some pet shops..and don't understand how they can treat the animals the way they do..:(
I contacted the local rabbit rescue, because I needed some guidance. She called them and set them straight and told me to call her for the next step in the game plan. She's such a great person.
That's great..i'm glad you did something about the situation.....sometimes we just have to be the voice for all animals...they need people to speak up more.
Kudos to you, Jessyka, for stepping up to the plate for these little ones :hug:. So glad you've got a fellow rabbit ally in your area!

You've made somebunny's life a bit better today.:wink

Bunnyluv96, your animal control officers may be at the county level if you are in a more rural region. You could call and ask if they are in charge of enforcing the law with regards to animal husbandry.
[align=center]An old man was walking down the beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the old man approached the young man, he asked; "Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?" The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish, exclaimed the old man. "How can your efforts make any difference?" The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said;
"It made a difference for that one!"[/align]

I really like that. I'll have to remember it when I start feeling down.
Jessyka wrote:
[align=center]An old man was walking down the beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the old man approached the young man, he asked; "Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?" The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. "But there must be thousands of beaches and millions of starfish, exclaimed the old man. "How can your efforts make any difference?" The young man looked down at the small starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said;
"It made a difference for that one!"[/align]

I really like that. I'll have to remember it when I start feeling down.
I have never heard of that one before...i like it..
One of the reasons why pet shops do not open up a bag of hay to give to the rabbits is because it costs them money in order to do it. Plus pet shop hay isn't that fresh, nor good for them anyhow. So it could have easily been the reason why the rabbits were sick in the first place. Pedialyte can be given to rabbits to keep them hydrated. At least they were trying to do something for them. Most places won't even do that. havng rabbits that sit in wire grid cages isn't all that horrible either. At least they have a better chance of staying clean, unlike those kept on solid floors with no litter boxes to go in.

Glad the rabbit rescue stepped in to help. I agree they should have been kept clean. Though animal control should have been called. They would have cited them for neglect.
i feel your anger,something like this happened to recently.I went into "statewide pets" and what I saw there was terrible! As soon as you walk into that door the smell of death and poo fills your nose. The store had dim lights; the cages the animals were in weredusting. They were covered in poo and urine. There were two kittens living together in one cage their eyes had a glaze on them and they were so weak they couldn't even move. In the dog kennels all you see is the dogs lying on the floor not moving a muscle their eyes only followed you are you walked by. This did not only happen with the dogs the rabbits and some the birds there did the same thing. The workers there didn't know anything about animals! I was there looking for a rabbit originally (I changed my mind once I walked in there) and I asked one of the staff what type of rabbit this was and she said “I don’t know just a normal one.” But I knew what type of rabbit it was. (It was a mini Rex) the poor rabbits food were covered in dust,their eyes were glazed and they just followed me with their eyes.i don't know much about rabbits (still researching) but knew there was something wrong with the rabbits. do you want to know the worst part about it? a veterinary clinic was across the street! they seriously don't care! i just wanted to slap the workers and bring them out side to see the vet hospital.:X
There are some pet stores around here that are like that too. I went into one of their locations (which doesn't sell Buns) but all of their animals were in HORRIBLE condition. I have a lizard so I know the proper care for them, and there was one in there that had so many large crickets in there that they were eating him alive. Once crickets are big enough they do bite lizards. Another lizard had been dead for so long that I watched a little cricket crawl out of his eye socket....I approached someone there and stood there while he fixed their enclosures and added stuff that was necessary for their survival. Sad thing is everytime I go in there (which isn't often anymore b/c I can't stand it) the conditions are the same.

I ran into a girl that worked at a bigger chain of pet stores and she said she used to work there and once she threatened to call the authorities on them they gave her $500 hush money and she quit (and called anyway). She also said that when the animal inspectors would come and check on the care of the animals they would hide little dead bodies around the store. She said they would put turtle bodies underneath other items (it's an outlet store, just a small animal section).

Isn't that horrible?!?!?! I know it's not related to Buns, but it made me remember my experience at a bad pet store. They did sell guinea pigs, rats, mice, and ferrets along with their reptiles. :(

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