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RaspberrySwirl wrote:
"Mybunnyboys, BunnyMommy,Luvabun...ladies...where are you? I've got a new plan...."
:shock:Why is my name first?! People are going to think I'm evil or something! ;):p

*Leans closer to Raspberry and whispers.* Yes?

[align=left]Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll enjoy it and become one of us in no time. ;)[/align]
[align=left]I'm from Alberta, Canada but would love to visit the east coast, warmer than out here at the moment! lol.[/align]
:shock: Im now off to hide Harley!!! :p

most of the animals get along, they all "tolerate" each other!!

The ferrets are NOT allowed playing withany of the other animals, sometimes, we do let sasha interact with thembut we have to be right there, Baby one of our females is nasty andattacks all of the animals, but the other 2 are normally okay! but theycant be trusted!!

keedis my quaker isnt allowed playing withanything either, he thinks hes 10 feet tall and bulletproof and he alsobites anything,,,BUT he can ride on Sashas back , but hes not allowednear her face. the cats ignore the bird, they've both terrorized himonce and thet both got a good bite from him so now they keave himalone,

the bunny, cats and dog all get along AWESOME!!

Heres a few pics of theferts

I love the pictures.Specially the ferret that is licking his nose:p. Before getting a bunnyI was thinking of getting a ferret, but I heard cases of ferretsgetting cancer, and I was disinterested. Ferrets are a cross betweenbunnies and dogs!:D
yes ferrets arevery prone to alot of diseases, especially Adrenal diseaseandInsulinoma,,Baby right now is battlingAdrenal!!!

they belive alot of the diseases comes from early spay and neuter!!

all 3 of my ferrets come from a massproduction farm called Marshall farms in NY!! theyspay/neuter and descent between 3-5 weeks!! veryearly!
they belive alot of the diseases comes from early spay and neuter!!
Really? I had never heard that. One of my ferrets wasMarshallferret, the other three were rescues with unknown backgrounds. They allgot rehomed, and luckily, we never had any health problems. What agewould be better to spay or neuter, since I know it's just as danergousnot to alter them?
when people arebuying them from breeders they are waiting until they are about 1yr,,,if they cant stand the smell anymore they do them around 8mths!!!

the rescues you had, you would have beenable to tell where they came from by their tattoo...if they had 2 dotsin one of their ears then it would have been marshalls, if there was anH, it would have been Hagen, if there was nothing it would have beenfrom a breeder!!

there is ALOT of talk about why ferts getalot of diseases, most farms such as Hagen and Marshall breed for massproduction and dont care about the welfare of the animals, Theresnothing proven yet but also Angora ferrets are less likely to get sickthen regualr ferrets!!

also pandas, blazes, albinos are prone todeafness,,,Squeagie is a silver mitt blaze and hes deafer than adoorknob!!

everyone has their own theory about thediseases but most studies are pointing towards the early spay andneuter!! and you CAN have anunpayed female and unaltered male if they are breeding,,a male can bekept without a partner without being fixed but he will start turningaggressive as hormones kick in and he will start leaving his muskyscent everywheres!!

a female cant be left unaltered, once theygo into heat they never come out until they are bred!

a siamesesable?? Let me google some pics and see, the pics I take dontquite get his color right but the breeder thought he might have been anopal also but then said no he was blue for sure!!

this was her first time breeding this doeso she wasnt sure what colors she threw, (I know absolutely nothingabout this) shes becoming a vet tho and this wa spart of herprogram on genetics or something,,I have no idea,,LOL
Hey, there'sanother little red headed baby! I'm adding it to my list too, rightalong with Mr. Wiggles little girl! I might forget about the bunniesand switch over to red headedbabies!



I'll think itover.....

Of course I've been through that five times....

But that means I have sense enough not to want to do it again! :cool:


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