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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2008
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Essex, , USA
Hi My Name is Mary and I have one rabbit, Carrot (his full name is Carrot Salad Lettuce. My 6 yo named him and she says 'everyone has three names', so thatis his 'full' name...lol) I'm not really sure what kind he is. He is black and white. My dogs found him in our yard (actually under our shed). I thought it was the neighbors cat, until I pulled it out! I contacted the vets and the local feed store, but no one ever came looking for him, so he is now a much loved member of our family! We converted a 48" high cat cage into a multi-level home for him and he loves it! He is super clean, very gentle (he will just sit in my lap and not fight at all when I cut his nails!) He is a great eater and is great with the kids and dogs (although that is only supervised!) Any good ideas on toys? We give him paper towel rolls, cut a box into a 'house', I filled a straw hamster ball (the one with the holes) with hay. Any other ideas? Because of the dogs, he isn't allowed free roam. He loves to hang out on the couch or in bed and snuggle.
That is such a nice story (how you came to get carrot into your life) Now i know what everyone else is going to say so I am going to say it first hehe
And lots of stories about carrot salad lettuce (brilliant name by the way ;))
Thanks! (I will have to upload some to photobucket, as I only have them on my easyshare program.) I have had two bunnies at other times in my life (before I had skinkids...lol) But this little man, what a sweet boy he is! I have no clue to his age, his breed, but none of that matters. He will come up to me lying in bed watching tv and he rubs his face on mine and in my hair and I melt! And I can't get over how good he is doing nails! I just put him in my lap (facing away from me) and he lies there perfectly still (but relaxed) and lets me do front and BACK (NO KICKING!) He is sweet as can be! He isn't afraid of the dogs, will go nose to nose with them. Let me figure out how to do photobucket and will get some pics up. My vet thinks he has some lionhead in him (he has a very small 'mane' and his underbelly is that same type of fur.)

I just added a pic from Halloween of Carrot as my avatar.
Thank you! I am having a big sign made for it that reads 'The Bunny Mansion'...lol I got that off CL for 25.00! He loves it and it has so much more room than most rabbit cages you can buy. He also has a huge play yard (since I have 3 rotties and a min pin, I cannot give him free roam of the house), but he seems very happy. What toys do you give your bunnies?
Welcome Pappy1264! :welcome1

What a smart 6 yo you have. Atleast no other bunny will have this name. :D

Does Carrot use the other levels in the cat cage? He lookshe has a mixof a Dutch and Lionhead/Netherland Dwarf.


Yes he does. Before we put the ramp in to the second level, the little bugger figured how to get up there (courese, we never saw him do it, would just find him up there! lol) I am going to put a third, half shelf, with a bunny house for him. He lies stretched out on his side, so I know he enjoys all that space! Thanks!
Welcome to the forum! Carrot sure is a cutie. He definitely has some dwarf in him, and for some reason I look at him and think holland lop mix. I think it's the bigger ears and the fur texture.

I'm like a rabbit toy-a-holic. My buns love playing with them and I love giving them! The hamster nests stuffed with hay are great- try finding the wicker ones too! There's a bunch of wierd stuff too, like my foster bunny is obsessed with empty soda cans. There are a whole ton of ideas in our Library:

My favorite link on that page:

If you have craft stores like Hobby Lobby or Michaels near you, send me a pm (private message). I'm super busy right now and won't be around much, but I'll still read my pm box. There's a bunch of cool stuff you can get there for rabbits.
Welcome to the forum. :)

Your bunnyis very cute! Very smart child you have there too.:)

Some of the toysmy rabbits like to play with are baby keys, shredding phone books, cat ball toys with bells in them, stuffed toilet paper tubes with hay andsmall straw hats (the ones for dolls at the craft stores).
Thank you!! I'm glad my dogs found him, goodness knows what would have happened to him! Yes, she is and she loves Carrot, we all do!

Great idea for toys! I have seen some pics with shredded phone books! lol Thanks!
Thank you! I am blown away with what a sweet bunny he is! I have had a couple before, but never one that didn't put up a fit to get its nails cut! But Carrot just relaxes on my lap while I do it, even his back feet! Not so much as a twitch! He is very loving with everyone, even my dogs! lol
Carrot's adorable!!! Thank you for posting the pictures. He's a lucky rabbit that you found him.

As for toys, mine love wooden stick-balls, phone books, baby toys (rattles, keys, etc), a stuffed tomato, paper towel rolls, and cardboard boxes. I'm busy looking through that toy thread for more ideas, myself!

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