He's such a sap

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I caught Matt in the act with Hershey , one of my *cough, cough* bunnies.

Real men love bunnies - whether its a secret or not!!! Yay for Pat and all the other Bunny Daddies out there! :thumbs up:

I could say that about my nephew! Lol. He's thirteen and is always acting tough and all, but the minute he goes in the rabbitry, he opens up. It's so cute. He'll go to all the bunnies cages and pet them and give them kisses and sweet talk to them about nothing in particular.

He really likes all the does; and his favorite is Lily. This is him and Lily last year at the Thurston County Fair:


I'll have to post the latest pictures of him with the bunnies once my sister gets them uploaded.

slavetoabunny wrote:
Matt sure does let those bunnies walk all over him, lol!!!
Basing things by the relaxed smile on his face, I'd say that he's enjoying a bunny massage. :biggrin2:

naturestee wrote:
According to James, the bunnies and cats are all mine. ESPECIALLY the foster bunnies. Ahem.

I get that same speech! Then minutes later he will say that Floppy isHIS only "boy" in the house and he's got to take care of "HIS BOY." I catch him snuggling and treating, mostly treating all the time. I actually had to post a list next to the enclosure saying what not to feed them.

We must band together to drag them out of that closet. Then force them all to wear the shirt. lol.
Too funny! I love the pictures!

My son (Luke 17 yrs).... LOVES animals. He was begging me to get a sugarglider the other day. I want one and he knows how badly I want one but hubby would have a fit!

He will sit with a bunny or cat or the dog, and YES even his sheep and listen to his iPod with them. He had one lamb that would ram him if he didn't share the headphones to his cd player!

I think he's very happy and comfy with the animals. It's not every guy you find kissing a stinky horse on the nose! LOL!

Wish hubby was like that more.... :?but he loves his dog and is nice to the cats.... talks to the bunnies if he thinks no one is watching! :D
Becknutt wrote:
naturestee wrote:
According to James, the bunnies and cats are all mine. ESPECIALLY the foster bunnies. Ahem.
I get that same speech!
I get that speech when it comes to animal issues(e.g., behavioral,medical, etc.). Example: Our cat now requires pilling twice daily;my husband's the one to do it. So if I ask, "Did you pill yourcat" (or even "the cat"), his reply is always the same: "What cat? I don't have a cat. Oh, you mean your cat."


I'm used to this response by now, and I know not to buy into it.'Cause if something went seriously wrong with any of them, he'd grieve, as well (in his own way).

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