Help! Doe bleeding

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New Member
Aug 20, 2019
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United Kingdom
today my doe went into labour at around 12am. By 3 there was nothing so she had lavender and ‘tums’ - she then passed a huge DOA kit. I took her to the vets and they said there was no more kits after palpating. I’ve just gone to check on her and there is blood in her hutch. I’m aware some bleeding will be normal after birth but I’m beginning to worry. This is approx 4 hours since she had the kit she has the blood in her hutch

Do you think she might still have a retainer kit? Or should I stop worrying

If the Vet checked her out, she might be alright, as they would know best-- most of the time. My does did bleed even the next day, but turned out fine. That was when they also gave "birth" to kits that were unfortunately deceased. If there is not a lot of blood, I would not be too concerned, however, I would call a vet for another opinion. I think she might be alright, hopefully.

I apologize if I was not very helpful.
If your vet is rabbit savvy then they are probably right. If the vet isn’t, then I wouldn’t trust them unless they did an X-ray or ultrasound. That being said, if it continues, with no kits, it would be best to have her checked as it could indicate a more serious problem.
Thankyou everyone. Very disappointed with the vets. They are usually rabbit savvy but they obviously missed thisshe had another DOA this morning. I’ve complained and had a ultrasound free of charge which thankfully showed no more kits
Yes, we learned not to trust vets who palpate without verifying using radiology. Even experienced breeders have been known to be wrong when palpating.
I’ve had the same experience before . My rabbit had one dead one and the other was stuck so I would suggest getting a X-ray to be sure . Hope this help and good luck