Help. Broken hind leg. ):

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Cibolo, Texas, USA
I was away for three days, and my roommate accidentally grabbed her hind leg and its broken. I felt it today, when I got back. Its been two days broken now. She shows no pain, eats, drinks, poops normally. I have her confined more now, instead of her closet, in a small cage with everything. Its Sunday. I can't get to a vet without a car, and the one close by is closed. And I dislike that vet quiet a bit. Its the hind left leg. Its floppy at the heel, ankle area. She moves, she wants to play, her eyes are bright and happy. But I don't know what to do. I have no money right now, won't for awhile due to a job transfer. And.. I've contacted a rescue no answers yet. I don't know how to splint it, I'm afraid if I try I will mess up and cause more damage then already. I've cried so much, I want to do the right thing? I can't pay to euthanize, I can't even pay to get it checked out. I've read good stories, but I'm afraid eventually it will get necrotic. Adive, suggestions. Help please. I'm freaking out. ):
You must figure out a way to get her to the vet. The leg needs to be amputated or fixed with surgery. If its in the ankle most likely they will amputate. See if the vet offers a payment plan. If you think your room mate is responsible I would see if she can make some payments also and help you take her
I'm trying and trying. But the closet two, atleast 10 miles, are closed on Sundays. I can't get into the city for the E-vet. I'm asking friends, rescues, and as many people I can think of. ): And the roommate, he's as broke as us. I can't even think of anything to pawn right now to pay for gas to get anywhere. I would do my laptop, but its a wedding gift and... Sigh. ):
I would carry her those ten miles if they were open. I would in a heart beat. I know one of these vets has to do care credit or payments or something.
I put a homemade splint on her to stabilize it for now. She doesn't mind it, and during me putting it on, she was bribed with treats to keep her still. She ate them with a pissed hunger. Haha. But I do have a rescue helping me. Got off the phone, she is calling a few vets and seeing if she can swing by and pick her up to take her to her vet in helotes. Couple hours from me. She already has pain meds on hand to give Syn when she gets here. Her hopes right now, seeing as I myself can't feel a break or fracture when I gently palpate the bone, is that it is only a dislocation. I feel only minor swelling, it might be bruised but I can't tell because there is a black speckling in that area. I'm doing my best. I'm trying my hardest. But its tear making to see her so calm when she's hurt, and me? A blubbering mess.
Wow. You go on Craigslist for advice, and someone emails me saying because its a rabbit, it is not worth trying to save her. People are disgusting. ):
Yikes people can be aweful in regards to animals. It's why I don't care for people who don't like animals.

Anyway I hope the rescue lady can help you out. Poor baby. Why did the room mate grab her by the hind leg?
Fingers crossed! But, he was watching her while we were visiting family for a few days. He apparently left the door open and when he came back, she was JUST about to jump, he tried grabbing her midsection but grabbed her leg and pulled. He feels horrible, when he called us he was blubbering. I've explained to him time and time again how FRAGILE buns are. But, his anger and reaction, was aggressive as he grabbed and pulled. ): If I was here and I saw that, I know she would immedietly have come back once I shook her cheerio bag, but he isn't an animal person. He panicked during the situation. And her being hurt, was the cause. I've already told him he isn't going to be picking her up for awhile, if ever. I'm just so upset and want to prevent this. Next time, I will either ask my mom or see if family will be fine with her there if caged. But...They don't understand my feelings towards animals either, don't understand and don't care. Its a rabbit, get over it. Is there reaction. :/
Just an update. The rescue lady picked her up at 8. Made her a list of things bun likes and doesn't, how she is acting, her poop/pee average, food, and everything I could think of to make her comfortable. She has her own food, hay, bedding, and bowls. She is going to get pain meds tonight when they arrive, as it is indeed a break. She is also going to get a small dose of Revolution, I found a single flea on her and wasn't able to catch it before it vanished. But, tomorrow, first thing in the morning she will be seeing the veterinarian the rescue sees for their rescue buns. She assured me me he is great, has even treated a bun with a worse break then her own. She did inform me that she may need to be sedated/put under and I gave her my word that whatever she thinks is needed, by all means go for it.

She also said, once Syn is in good health, that she did have a neutered bun she wished for me to foster, seeing as he is not bonded yet. And, because they are full, when Syn is good again (and when I am no longer in a roommate situation), I'd be more then happy to help foster any rabbit that needs it. Also offered her my website making skills.

I cannot thank this women enough. She contacted me from the beginning when I first acquired Syn, and so far, I am so glad she contacted me. Amazing bunny mentor.
Its been awhile! Syn got out of the vets about tuesday. The vet, as well as me do think he did it on purpose. The guy went crazy and threatened me and soon kicked us out. Good now, but Syn had 3 breaks in that leg. His storh doesnt add up for the amount of damage done, she would have had to been really jumping and running for her to get those. She also has damage in her spine. But she has been saved. Might take longer then 6 weeks for her to heal so i wont see her till she is good and ready. The Moon rabbit sanctuary lady is spoiling her for me and i do get to see her sometime soon. I really miss my bunny. I cant believe anger makes people do this. The guy who hurt her is getting worse so ive been told. Huge holes in his apartment. Karma will get him. But. I get to keep my baby.
Good job getting your rabbit to someone that can help you. Rescues are wonderful, they help people when they need help and don't have the money for a vet.
whoa, wtf is up with that guy. i'll keep my ill comments to myself.

i'm so sorry this happened to your bun :(
sending postive and healing thoughts your way *hugs*
Just got pictures of Syn. Her ears are gigantic! I'm weirded out by the bill though. Apparently the entire bill so far is 177. For X-ray, anesthesia, surgery, and cast? Wow. They weren't even charging for food and board. She was there all weekend.
That is exactly it. I called her asking if she forgot a zero. Nope. :) She brings him a lot of rabbit business so he discounts her a lot. He neuter/spays for only $80 for her! Where I was originally going to take her for her spay before this happened, was about 180$ for the surgery, and I never seen a rabbit there. So when its time, I'm going to this person. :)

But I am so happy to get to keep my bunny. :) I miss her a ton, but 6-8 weeks she will be home and spoiled!

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