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Active Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Hello everyone i'm new to this site so i just though i would say hello to everyone... :D
hello yes i have a bunny it is a Dutch male he isa year old and his name is olivia (the store told us he was a girl) andi had an American Chinichilla she was 2 1/2 and Her name was Patrick..sadly Patrick passed away in the begging of Febuary

this is my Patrick....

and this is Olivia....

this is the two of them....
its been ruff, but we keep her pic hung on thewall and keep her in our harts and remember what a Great friend she wasand how she was the perfect bunny there can never be another one ......

we are hoping to get another rabbit soon, it is something she wouldwant there are a ton of bunnys out there that need a home and someoneto love them
Hi Toni and WELCOME! :)

Patrick was just beautiful! I'm so sorry you lost her.

Olivia is adorable! Is he a good boy?
Welcome Toni

Olivia is beautiful. We baby sat a Dutch last summer and theowners said their rabbit was a she, but when we puthimin with another female,theDutchtried to mount her. We had to separate themimmediately.

Sorry about Patrick.

Rainbows! :)

Hi Toni and welcome :D.

I'm sorry about Patrick it must have been hard to lose her :(.

I'm really glad you've decided to give another bun a home though, whata good heart you must have. I'm glad Olivia is ok, he's a cute boy :).


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