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Apr 23, 2007
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the message boards, but am looking forward to getting backinto it (I used to use them all the time when I got my first rabbit,Shoz, rest in peace).. things are pretty busy here, but I'll try toread/post as much as I can.

Let me introduce my bunnies!

Kayleighis a two year old (female) Mini Lop.


Our newest addition is Ozzy, a now 8 week old (male) Holland Lop Gold Tipped Steel.


I've been doing a lot of research before and after we obtained Ozzyabout bonding. As I understand it, bunnies shouldn't bebonded until they are both "fixed". While Kayleigh hasalready been spayed, we won't be able to neuter Ozzy until probablyJuly.

I was wondering what anyone has done in the "limbo stage"until you are able to put them together?

Right now we have their cages side by side and we let each one outindivudally. When they do that, they both end up chinningeach others cages, peeing and leaving pellets around each other'scages. When the other one comes out, he/she does the samething. It seems like a never ending process! Doesanyone know if this territorialness will stop? Especiallywith the Doe because she's already spayed.

Also, I've been letting Kayleigh out and will open Ozzy's cage door andhe'll poke his head out and Kayleigh will go up to the cage.For now Ozzy seems to be more interested in Kayleigh and will try tosnuggle up to her face. I'm usually holding Kayleigh orpetting her so she doesn't seem to bothered, but I only let this go onfor a minute or so because I'm scared she'll eventually bite or nip him.

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated!


Well Hello and welcome to the forum!

It sounds like you're doing everything right for now. Iwouldn't really let them get too cozy until she's spayed inJuly. Having their cages close is the best thing!You could take them to neutral territory, but I'm afraid with her notbeing spayed it will only envoke a fight. Best to wait andkeep doing what you're doing, this way, they can get used to eachother's scents and see each other:).

Hey there - cute buns!!!

I would continue to keep them in seperate cages and let them have seperate out time as you are doing.

Even though the female is spayed, your male is probably pretty stinkyand marking up her territory with his scent - so she will continue topoop to remark her area once he stinks it up with all his boyscent. :)

I went through the transitional time, and I found when my male was notfixed, my fixed female still was very territorial, but once he gotfixed, everything calmed back down and returned to normal.

Welcome to the forum!!!

Welcome to Rabbits Only!!:wave2

Oh my gosh, what cuteness!:inlove:

I'm going through my first experience of bonding right now too, I haveto wait until all three of my girls are spayed (two are bonded sistersalready). I'm housing them side by side to get them used to each othertoo, I hear that's the best way.:D

Lets us know how it goes, and good luck for July!:)

Have fun here,

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5, Pebble:anotherbun and Maddie:bunny16

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