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Sep 22, 2012
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South, Alberta, Canada
Hi, I'm a 16 year old vegan looking to adopt a rabbit. But college is an issue. I have a large amount of funds saved up and my parents would be able to get me an apartment if I asked.
I am not sure if a rabbit would be the best verses a guinea pig though. Since guinea pigs tend to be less destructive than rabbits I've heard.

Any advice? Should I suck it up and get a hamster until I am at least done freshman year? Also I a dealing with some emotional issues and heard that rabbits are great for that.
Thanks :)
I don't know what like of pet would be best for you. I think a rabbit has the most personality, but with that can come behavioral issues. You probably would want to keep a rabbit in an x-pen [exercise pen, like for dogs, but inside] with something over the floor to keep it from being damaged. Or you can make a fully-enclosed home from storage cubes.

If possible it might be a good idea to do some volunteer work at a rabbit rescue & see if they would be right for you.

For health issues, females really need to be spayed. With males it's mainly a behavioral issue.

Read some of the things in the library section among others & you'll get some ideas.
Rabbits are always a good choice, but then, I may be a little biased since i have six bunnies that i adore! :)
In my experience of dorm rooms and first apartments, the chances of there being enough room or even being allowed to have a bunny is pretty slim. Bunnies take up a lot of room and can be destructive for sure.

As far as guniea pigs go, they can be friendly, but can't be litter trained and shouldn't live alone. They also require a lot of room as 99% of store bought cages are too small for both species.

If you are looking for a comfort animal, I'd recommend a pair of rats (males tend to be more of squishes.) Their cages are more likely to fit in small spaces, and they are as smart as small dogs. They also are highly social (hence the friends) and they are soo happy to see you when you walk in the room.

I love my bunnies very much. We have a good bond and they are fairly intelligent. However, they resided with my parents until my boyfriend and I got a house because there wasn't enough room in my collge apts.
I agree with Jordan, I think a pair of rats would be great for you. For multiple reasons. Google their care for more info. I have had them before, and absolutely adore them! I actually will be getting a pair of females next month:)
Rabbits are probably not the ideal first pet. They're awesome little things but they're such a big commitment. And you may only want one, but they really should have a friend, so you would have to be willing to take on another at some point if your existing bunny needs it. They also need tons of space, which I understand is limited in a dorm room. And yeah, they can be noisy and destructive. But trained well, they can be your best friend, haha.

The same goes for pigs with regards to space and their needing a friend, although they will cost you less than rabbits. Spaying/neutering is not necessary (unless kept in m/f groups), and they don't need vaccinations, so no vet bills unless they become ill. Enclosures are pretty cheap and easy to construct, too. They very entertaining, but can be quite self-involved to the point that they don't take too much notice of you. Unless you're holding food, of course. Same basic care principals apply as bunnies.

I would personally recommend a hamster. They may not be as emotionally engaging as a bigger animal like a rabbit, but they're still a nice little furry thing to snuggle. They may be small but you can put just as much effort into their happiness as you would any other pet. Obviously they're the cheapest of all, and need the least amount of space (doesn't mean you should shove them in tiny store-bought cage though!), but they only live for two to three years, which is sad.
I've had many hamsters before, even bred them once when I was 12 aha. And I've had mice before, they were fun little guys.

I think getting a single male guinea pig may be the best choice, there is a rescue in my area that I have contacted and they said it's fine if I have a single male.
Though I wont make any decisions until I interact with them at the SPCA. Thank you for the help/advice
I personally strongly dislike guinea pigs; my two were probably the worst pets I've ever had. They bit, they were skittish, and I had to clean their pen every day. Maybe it's just my personal experience. I do love mice though. Mine were such sweeties!
all guinea pigs do not bite and mine were definitely not skittish.

Cavies(Guinea Pigs) should be kept in pairs. They are different than rabbits and love to have friends. We had two Rosie and Sassy and they were just adorable. Id say pigs would be better for an apartment.

Aw I loved my rats :)

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