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Jun 25, 2013
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I'm caring for what I call my "Grand bunny" (furry surrogate grandchild) My next to youngest Daughter acquired him from a friend at school when she was already raising a show rabbit, and later gave the she rabbit who was a school project over to another student, before moving out to a place where she cannot have any pets whatsoever to go to college/work. So, here we are with our beloved little we discovered to be "fellow", whom our daughter had named "P.C. short for problem child, such a little escape artist. We have found that "she" has testies, and so is a he, and also due due a rather awesome jumping hind kicking thing he did in mid air we've noticed he has tiny reformed little extra misshapen what would've been second set of back feet, so now my hubby has nicknamed him 6 foot, not for height reasons, lol ! We love this 'Lil bugger, and thought about getting him neutered, as for a time when our daughter was here, she'd put an older male in with what she thought to be a "her" and miss/Mr PC wasn't too thrilled about being so forcefully mounted/mated by this larger rabbit (quite understandably since she was a he) and so began tearing the face off the larger rabbit because of the mating attempts. So, we are noticing now that it's been over a year since then, and PC the 6 footed bunny has calmed down immensely, and seems very lonely watching our other type of pets who have friends of their own kind, would it be reccomended to get him a friend ? Would he be too aggressive due too past "traumas of mating mishaps", and/or should we get him neutered first, and/or the new female friend as well? We have a nice and good vet who does neutering but hasn't specialized in spaying the dams as of yet. Any input is helpful and most welcome. This poor 'Lil bugger is part dwarf and who knows what, with extra hind malformed in usable hind feet with no bones in them, which basically flap around and show if he does that awesome mid air jumping hind kick thing when he's scampering around outdoors exercising, otherwise, they aren't really noticeable. Would his extra feet cause other rabbits to avoid him, as a natural selection type behavior? We've been wondering this also. We think the kid our daughter got him from who helped rescue him just didn't have the heart/stomach, to put him down at birth. we've also noticed he drinks water from bottles fine, and will from a bowl, but generally thinks the bowl is a toilet, uses it as such, and then buries it. Also, the show rabbit he was originally kept in with, who never tried to mate him, also being male, was killed in front of him by a stray dog who got in through a gap in our backyard fencing, so how would this affect his behavior with another animal/friend? We seem to have inherited a lot with this poor tragic little fellow she our daughter moved out. Also, what wild plant species do rabbits like that we could supplement his diet with to enjoy and keep him healthy?.
Please excuse any/all typos, miss wording, am using an in cooperative means of posting. Thanks! :)
First you need to get him neutered and only intro him with another neutered bunny--female would probably be best. A lot of rescues will let you do "bunny dating" so you can see if they will get along or be the cause of a lot of vet expense. As to what plants are alright, the library should have several articles and list. Good luck.

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