Hello from Mill Creek, Washington

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Feb 8, 2010
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I have registered so that I may learn all I can about bunnies before getting a couple for my pre-teen daughters. My wife had bunnies growing up and she would like to continue the tradition with our girls.

I would like to build a two-level outdoor hutch for (at least) two mini-lops. We will be bringing them inside to play each day and, in the summer, will allow them to play and roam in our backyard "wee critter" play area (supervised, of course!).

Here's a couple of pics I took from a local store showing the hutch design I would very much like to follow.


I am keenly interested in knowing what type of wood you would recommend I use for the hutch construction.
After reading through the "cages" section I am thinking I can build the hutch with plywood rubbed down several times with vegetable oil to help seal it. I will build the cubby box out of Aspen.

Like the example I posted above, I will have 1/2 inch wire across the front and some 1/4 wire across half of the bottom level to aid in litter and cleaning.

Please let me know if I'm getting any of this right.
HI and welcome. I am not an expert on the cages but I am eager to hear more about your process of new bunny ownership

Have u looked at rescues or will your daughters be showing the bunnies and ur looking at breeders??

I bet all the women in the house r extremely excited...

ETA: I like the cage...I need one for my house
I will take photos of the hutch build as I continue.

As for the bunnies, we were just looking at Craigslist recently and saw a number of bunnies for sale, or free to a good home. I haven't done any research into rescue programs in our area, but I'm sure they exist.

My wife would like to get a young couple for breeding, but I don't know that we are looking for "show bunnies".

Obviously, we are excited at the prospect, but still need to do more research and figure out a solid plan.
Petfinder.com is a great site for rescues and if u wanted a breeding pair check out ARBA.com for breeders in your area

I have one of each a Flemish from a breeder and a Satin/mix from a rescue
I have had some trouble with Petfinder. Some of the groups that list are strong advocates for their animals and don't like families with younger children.

I will still look, of course, and cross my fingers.

Ooh! I do see a pair of lops on Petfinder that might just be perfect. Now I really have to build that hutch!!
Have you considered allowing them inside? As you are from Washington, it is not a good idea to bring them inside if the live outside during the colder months. Rabbits don't tolerate extreme changes in temperature well. Going from freezing outside to warm inside, could cause some serious problems with the rabbit. You can do it if the temperature difference is small (close to the same inside and outside). You should also wait until spring time to introduce a rabbit to living outside (unless the rabbit it used to being outside all year).

Any outdoor housing need to protect the rabbit from the elements. That means protection from the heat, cold, snow, wind, rain and predators.
As you are wanting to build something, I would make a shed-like structure that is fully enclosed. You can put in windows for light and a ventilation system. A shed would provide more room for the rabbits and you can add levels and such for them to climb on. If you are building it yourself, it could be more cost effective for the space you would get. You could even build an attached run that is safe from predators that they could have free access to in nice weather.
Thank you, that is great advice.

I would love to keep them inside, but we currently own to house cats and I don't think they would all get along. That is why I was hoping to build a large, outdoor hutch to house the bunnies for a majority of their time, and then bring them inside the sun-room for playtime.

I respect the notion of not shocking the wee ones with a dramatic temperature change, and that is why I think the sunroom (which is really just an enclosed deck) would be a good place for them. It is not as warm as the rest of the house, so there would not be as significant a temperature change.

The hutch I hope to build would be constructed using 3/4 inch plywood on three sides, with a lifting roof section and wood-trimmed wire face for the front side. I hope to build a hutch larger than the one pictured above, and my plan was to have it reside on the exterior deck on the back of our home. This would put it in a very protected corner, right next to the sun-room.

Here is a picture of the sun-room from last winter while I was still building it. I would put the hutch in the corner (off camera right) where it would be the most protected.

Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

I’ve listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link to a website that will help you understand what your rabbit(s) are saying to you, Rabbitspeak.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, How to put photo's in your posts.

This the best site on the web for bunnies and I look forward to hearing stories and looking at pictures of your rabbits.

Cats and bunny's can get along just fine. I have two cats and two dogs, they getalong fine with the rabbits.My cats are afraid of the bunny's and the dogsdon't bother each other.

Dave, thanks for the welcome to the forum. I appreciate the introduction and explanation of some of the forum areas.

We are in the beginning stages right now, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can.

I definitely want to build my own hutch for the bunnies, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can about hutch design and materials.

My wife thinks it would be best if we wait until Spring or Summer before we actually get some bunnies, but I don't know if I can wait that long. We'll have to see.
In the case of a spayed females, do they like company? I have read that rabbits are very social creatures and we have always thought of getting at least two. Can two spayed females share a large hutch? Or is it better to house them separately?
I didn't know that you were planing on using the sun room to house the bunnies. It seems like it would be nice for the bun(s).

As you are building a hutch, you can make it as big as you want or have space for. The hutch in the pictures would be a bit small for a pair of rabbits.

2 spayed females can get along. The pairing that seems to work best for rabbits is a spayed female and neutered male. If you do go the rescue route, you might be able to find a bonded pair. It can be very difficult to bond 2 intact females (if you wanted to breed). Breeding does should have their own cage, but could have play time together if they get along.

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