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Oct 3, 2018
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I’m Maddie and I’m a bunny-mum to my two year old Lop x Dwarf, Willow. Also known as Villow Vabbit and Sponge!

Willow is the sassiest rabbit I have ever owned, she honestly runs the house. She spends a lot of her time stamping, flopping and flumping about! She also has quite the range of hats that she likes to throw at people!

She lives indoors in winter and outside in her ‘Flumpingham Palace’ in summer.

She also will only eat one type of bunny food and goes through a lot of veggies everyday. Her favourite foods are banana chips, crackers, lettuce, raisins and custard creams (don’t tell her she’s not meant to have them, she’ll throw a fit!).

She’s also ‘best friends’ with my cat, Katniss, but Katniss doesn’t know this...

I’m going to try and be active on this forum as I could really do with some help haha!
Welcome! That's an adorable bunny you have there! :)
I'm originally from the UK myself. Custard creams are delicious, but they're really not bunny food! I'm concerned that feeding bunnies these types of sweet human food will only lead to long-term health issues. They aren't meant to have this much sugar in their diet. It's great that she loves her veggies though, my bun will gobble up a whole plate in one day too.
Oh my goodness!! I want to see the Flumpingham Palace!! Lol that's so awesome
Welcome! I’m also from the UK :) what a cute, sassy little bunny you have!
Like Luigi said, I know it can be really tempting to give them the treats they love, but sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind, and the custard creams in particular can cause some really bad health issues, if not now then in the future. Hay should be the main part her diet, with occasional veggies as supplement.
Can’t wait to see pictures of flumpingham palace! She sounds like a real bunny princess!
I’m uk too! Custard creams aren’t that good for me either lol ;) ahhh would love to see photos! Especially of Flumpingham Palace! :)