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Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
San Diego, California USA, ,
Hello my name is Dru and im a beginner exhibitor for rabbits (im waiting to get some from a few close breeders)... i am used to showing and breeding rats/mice but recently get back into rabbits(owned them as a kid)

yesterday i rescued two bucks that someone had abandoned on the side of the road. their new outdoor hutch is arriving tomorrow and they have a whole side yard to run around free daily :) they love it here and are VERY friendly. they are not altered so thats step 1.. i understand bucks will fight is this only certain breeds? only at maturatity? or only unaltered bucks? will they need seprate cages? i always had one rabbit at a time growing up..mostly bucks. i think they are full grown are a little skinny n dirty but are happy and safe now :) i will post a pic soon but im not sure the breed they are and id like to see what you guys think about their age..
Hello! Welcome to the forum! I hope you find all of the information that you need here! :D

I think that un-neutered bucks will fight, but I am not 100% sure. Males can be bonded, but I've heard that it is better to have them neutered. If they are already bonded, they could "break up" with a nasty fight. Like I said, I am not sure 100% if that's correct or not, but someone else can correct me if I'm wrong! :D
they are bonded know but are starting to mount each other (im sure trying to establish dominance) so i dont want them to fight. i want them neutered but everywhere ive called so far wants $180 bucks! thats like a dog. but oh well i guess it will be a month or 2 b4 that surgery happens.. i think one is a californian or something close and the other is a black dutch dwarf(just a guess) their ears arnt to short so i believe their older males. someone left them on the side of the road and a local picked them up i put up a wanted bunny for companion add and they answered my call. these boys are so loving! aww im happy i know they are too
I am glad you rescued these guys. Looking forward to pictures of them. Welcome to RO!
Oh my gosh! Such cuties!

Bucks will eventually fight if unneutered, and they'll mount each other. If you get them neutered you can try bonding them and they could end up being great friends. ;)

Do you have names for them?
They really are adorable!

Love the rabbitry name, by the way!

their names are "SHOCK" & "LOCK"
- from nightmare before xmas.. those little devils lol

i am getting them neutered this month now that its march ,just looking for a vet specialized in rabbits..

THANK YOU i love the rabbitry name too :) took me a while to think of it but it is fitting.
and my rabbits hop around in fresh beachy air all day LOL

im getting a few mini rex from some great breeders out here to get me started.
there is a show tomorrow im going to go check it out :)

Welcome to the forum! Shock and Lock are both Gorgeous little guys! Or should I say, 'Handsome'.;-) I look forward to hearing more about them.

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