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Jul 14, 2021
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Tucson , AZ
Hello everyone.. I'm new.(I guess) I've been in and out at different times but 1st time talking. I live with a bunny. She's my pally..my best friend..my bunkie..my therapist..and my boo.Her name is Daisy. I unsubscribed then my g.mail accounts and logins..blah blah all mixed up. But we're here now and thank you for letting me be a part of your community. I hope this goes thru..last time wouldn't let me.
.I'll see if this goes..talk more later.I want to say that I gotsomewhat emotional seeing about breeding and you know meat rabbit things. The more I read I can see we are all very likeminded about loving our bunnies and wanting the best for them. There's alot of wisdom and knowledge passing back and forth in your community and what a gift to be able to indulge in it. I thank you all again for that
Daisy is one-ish. .free roams our apartment..no cage but little hidey areas. She's a girl..not spayed. I have tunnels running around the edges of a room one part is a diggy box with a flip lid but they are fun for her. This weekend she's been high energy!! I mean it's kinda freaking me out She does that you know making her bed thing.digging and pulling on sheets her blankies chair covers..whatever..but she's running getting mouthfuls ofhay and taking it to her tunnels.But she just seems extra intense and wired up. Did this once before in my closet but she was pulling her hair out ifound out when I came home. Is this normal..she's like breathing extra hard and all.. then lays down a bit and back at it..what is that pulling their hair out anyway. I got a. better brush since then .Anyways.sorry so long..do your bunnies get frantic like this. I don't know if I should just keep letting her do her thing or is she trying to say she needs something ? I'm being a little shunned and I think I'm doing things wrong alot until I ask you tube etc....
but bunnies are a trip right? But so awesome..well thanks for listening. Hope to talk again.
Did I just send "No" ? Because thats exactly what Daisy was doing. And she's done it before but with differently than the objects.. The time in my closet she got into dirty clothes basketball
I and carried those to the nest.she was busy all day and night I just thought she was going through anxiety attack or something-- or making her own little cozy place ..and then I seen all the hair..ISo I thought it was her way of moulting...I think about will the hair she could be digesting..and I've research a little on it. Got a better brush and we''re learning each other more and more. She's so amazing.
But anyways ,Blue Eyes..I.thank you for that..... I'd heard of it kinda briefly but never read anything that in depth. It was cool. Oh..I gotta sign off..woke up checked Daisy...now super sleepy again. Night

.that's exactly what Daisy is doing.!! The hay they all look exactly alike
Like Blue eyes said, false pregnancy. They can get quite frantic and focused on building their nest. Not anything you can do to stop her. You can try and distract with veggies or other things, but doesn't usually work. Just provide lots of hay and let her do her thing. Best way to prevent it in the future is spaying, but even then they will sometimes still do it, mostly in spring(spring fever). Spaying also will eliminate the risk of uterine cancer, which increases significantly with some rabbits, as a rabbit ages.
I so apologize.. Jen and Blue Eyes. I appreciate the both of you replying and did not mean to come off as ungrateful. I'm not sure of the proper etiquette for this posting community. It's nice to be acknowledged...esp. if you feel desperate for advice at a moment. I'll probably bounce in and out at times..or other times just read and enjoy the postings of posts about our buns. Hearing how your buns do the same things..so it's not something I did to cause such peculiar behaviour! That pet guardian (mommy) guilt can really send you out there..Daisy is just so awesome...I want all the right things for her to live a great life. I can overthink things, for sure, when she's just being a bunny. Again my fat fingers and talking so fast made my posts sound weird. Thank you again.. I realize about spaying. It seems some buns are more aggressive than others yeah? The operation itself is so intense. I'm just kinda researching it more and also praying about it. She seems normally sweet..with a little scrapper in her tho that shows at times..which is good to see also. She can get her point across but we're coming to know each other better and better. So everyone thanks for sharing your experiences..I'm glad to know you're all out there ..or here.,
No problem. You're doing fine. Yes, some rabbits can be more aggressive for a variety of reasons like hormones, fear, or being territorial. Just depends on their personalities and what their life has been like to that point.

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