Heated water containers for teh winter any ideas?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2012
Reaction score
Sull Co, New York, USA
Winter is coming and I need something to keep the water from freezing, right now I use the water bottles that clip on to the wire. Thanks
I've heard that pulling a wool sock over the bottle can help delay water freezing. The problem is that the ball nozzle on a bottle can freeze long before the water does.

I'd switch to water crocks for the winter. There area heated crocks available, but depending on how many rabbits you have, that could get costly. Instead, I've heard that most people get two crocks per rabbit. That way, you can give fresh water in the morning, then switch the crocks in the evening- fresh water in the new one and bring the frozen one inside to thaw. If needed, you can switch them out more often of course.
There are water bottles that don't use the metal ball but a spring loaded pin. The mechanism shouldn't freeze as quickly. I haven't had a problem with them, but then it isn't as cold down here.
Last winter I used a small dog bowl and just knocked it out twice a day and added fresh, would like to have a bigger water source that didn't spill as easy.

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