Hay got wrapped around my rabbits leg-

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2013
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There was more than one strand of hay wrapped super tight around my rabbits leg. It was not easy but I got it off and no fur is missing and there is no broken skin. He seemed hungry and exhausted afterwards— if think it was wrapped around like that overnight.

I don't think it is broken- I can see him hop normally.

But I can tell it is very swollen. I can actually visually see and feel that his hurt ankle and foot is swollen.

I have metacam. So I gave him metacam.

It must be bruised and maybe the circulation got cut off— is that why its swollen?

I can tell it hurts, He's eating and drinking but less than usual and sitting in one place.

I can't figure out what he even did to get hay wrapped around his ankle like that. He is an older bunny. Maybe a younger bunny would have chewed it off.

Its night and I might go to the vet tomorrow but I can't think of anything they would do besides give metacam which I already did. My vets aren't very savvy.

But I am worried about the swelling.
My worry would be the potential that the lack of blood supply has caused some necrosis.. i would take him to a vet still, because they can check if it is joint swelling, like it has been sprained, or oedema, or inflammation due to necrosis. This isn’t something they would necessarily need to be rabbit savvy for. Hopefully the swelling will go down if it is just because of the circulation being cut off (and subsequent oedema), keep an eye on it and if it is still swollen in the morning I’d go to the vet. Hope he’s okay!! :(
Also, is it warm to touch - this would be a sign of inflammation.
Oh no. I hope its not necrosis. Its weird was wrapped around the ankle but the swelling is above the ankle. The foot is swollen too.
I'll go to the vet but... vets here are really quick to just tell me to put my rabbits too sleep. I'm not sure why, I think its a combination of they think they won't live and they don't care that much about rabbits- I'm in New Zealand and they are pests here and they just released a virus, Calici, to kill them. I've been very disappointed in my vets.
It can swell both ways, as blood can’t get in or out. That’s really sad that you’ve had that experience :( Vets certainly should not be like that, and it is always your choice as to what happens to your pets. I hope you can find a more positive vet:( and even if you can’t, you don’t have to give in if they tell you to euthanise. Good luck :(
Just a side note, necrosis is unlikely so don’t panic too much, it’s just a worst case scenario. You can recognise necrotic tissue as it will be dark (even black) in colour and cold to the touch. Check the end of the toes to see that they are warm and moveable, and the skin around where the tourniquet occurred, also.
Thanks Popsicle for your replies. He seems a lot better now. This whole episode put him under the weather for 3 days- he only wanted to sit facing the back corner of his cage, he was not his enthusiastic self excited about food.

But now he is back to normal all excited when I come in the room wanting his hays and foods. Yay!

... Also, I finally did figure out to push the fur to the side that covered his toes- and I could see he has little toe pads- which i neve saw before so covered by fur- but found them. I could see that on both feet his toe pads are the same color which was pink- not black or purple- so I figured he didn't have the necrosis...

Sidenote though: when I was googling I found cases medical information about people having circulation cut off to a limb- and it said that bad tissue damage/necrosis can happen in as little as 2-4 hours which is very scary.
Yeah it definitely is possible in a short time like that! Especially peripheral areas like fingers and toes. Very glad to hear he is feeling better now though! :) well done with your quick work removing it and helping him recover :)