Harvey and Maisie's thread

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Active Member
May 22, 2006
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Orpington, Kent, , United Kingdom
I have been posting on RO for a little while now, since my beautiful bunny Lucy became seriously ill. I thought you might like to see some pics of my bunnies, past and present.

Yesterday, we got Maisie, and my husband took some photos of her, and showed me how to upload them, so now I have no excuse not to share!

My first bunny was called Smokey, and he was a dwarf cashmere lop. He was utterly beautiful. I don't have any photos of him on the computer at the moment, but I'll scan some in, and put them up at a later date.

Soon after I met my husband, Smokey died, and soon after, we got Lucy.

This is a photo of Lucy, in my bedroom at my parent's house, before I got married:


After a while, we decided to let Lucy have babies, as she was such a calm, gentle rabbit and we thought she'd make a lovely little Mum. We kept one of the babies and named her Chloe. This is Chloe:



She was severely brain damaged, and could not walk properly, but she was a very happy little bunny. Lucy adored her. We kept them together for the three years of Chloe's life.

When I married my husband, Dave, and moved in to our new house, Lucy came too, and about a year later, we got Harvey. This photo was taken on the day we got Harvey. Lucy was so calm and gentle, we knew there would be no problems with supervised play. When we had our hamster, Cuthbert, Lucy loved lickinghim and playing with him. She would gently pick him up, and put him in her food bowl. I think she thought he was her baby!



Here are Lucy and Harvey, together about three days before Lucy died. He is giving her bunny kisses and has made her fur stick up!


We decided soon after we lost Lucy, that Harvey would be a much happier little bun if he had a friend to play with. So yesterday, we went and got Maisie. She has already settled in really well. She is a very friendly little girl who seems to enjoy being cuddled and stroked and has enjoyed exploring our house.


Harvey is already neutered, but is still quite territorial. At the moment, Harvey is in a very large, two storey hutch, and Maisie is in a separate cage. If they never manage to bond, they can stayas they are, but hopefully, in afew weeks, I will start 'the bonding process'. I do hope they can be friends! I'll keep you posted.
Such lovely buns!! I love the story about the hamster. Keep us updated!
I have not introduced them yet, but Harvey seems to get a bit cross if I cuddle her before him! I wanted to get Maisie properly settled in before introducing them.

By the way, Harvey is neutered, so there is no risk of any 'funny business!'
I took Maisie to the Vet's last Thursday, and she had her jabs and general health check. She is fine, and in great health, but was quite upset by having to go in the car.

The vet recommended that we introduce Maisie and Harvey as soon as possible. Yesterday, Maisie was running around on the floor, and I was holding Harvey and I let them 'say hello'. Harvey gave a great big growl, tried to box her with his paws and Maisie ran away.

Has anyone got any ideas how to introduce them for the first time? Harvey has a very strong personality, and he is very vocal. He mutters away to himself when he is in a bad mood. I also get the impression he is quite intelligent. Maisie is very calm, quiet and gentle. I hope they can get along, but if they can't I do have the room to house them separately. When I said this to the vet, he told me there was no reason at all that they wouldn't. I am just a little unsure about the first introduction.
Harvey and Maisie are such sweeties!!

I'm sure they will get along eventually. I am trying to bond my 2 at the moment and Misty hated Charlie when I broughthim home. To get them used to each other, I kept one in their cage while the other had free run and eventually they just got used to having each other around and not fighting. Now I feel much better about putting them in the same area and them not fighting.

Good luck!

:bunnydance:Misty & :brown-bunnyCharlie

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