grumpy mini lop

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Mar 11, 2011
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Sydney, , Australia
i have 2 mini lop sisters which are about 11 weeks old, one of them is lovely and loves being handled and doesnt run away when you go to pick her up, but the other one puts up a big fight and will leave you running around the room for ages, i try not to chase her because she gets quite worked up when i do, so i try to wait, but i cant wait all night! is there anything i can do to make her a bit friendlier? once i catch her she is happy to have a bit of a cuddle, is it just a matter of handling her more?
Some rabbits just aren't cuddly and don't like to be held. The more you hold her and try to catch her, the less she will probably trust you. For now, I would stick to sitting with her on the floor and see if she will trust you to pet her and just be with her. Only pick her up if necessary (for nail trims or something). Set up her cage so that she can go back in on her own and try feeding her around the time you want her to go back - she'll learn to go in on her own.
thanks Elrohwen, only prob is shes living in an outdoor hutch and coming inside in the evenings, so i need to pick her up at least twice and i dont trust her venture through the yard to put herself to bed quite yet! i will keep working on her and see how she goes! wish she would learn a thing or two from her sister!
I would sit in a small room for awhile, such as a bathroom, so she cant run away from you. And maybe she can get more used to you that way. let her come to you for attenchin. and when you do have to pick her up to take back, she wont have much room to run, so you can get her quicker and she wont get herself so worked up. maybe try doing that for a little while? thats how I used to socialize my new rabbits.
and to Lindys, that made me LOL. hehehe :) silly bun!
Sounds to me like she's learned to associate being picked up with being put in her hutch. I'd try getting a small pet carrier and using that to transport her to her hutch, instead of carrying her. (Plus there's less chance of her leaping out of your arms and injuring herself.) Also, I'd time their feedings with hutch time. That way they're more likely to view hutch time as a good thing vs. a bad thing.

Hope that helps!

thanks guys! i will try all of these things! she is a sweetie and i would love her to be happy for a cuddle! they seam to like the hutch and its nice and big and full of yummy food but both of them def prefer it inside. i will let you know how i go, you all have beautiful bunnies!

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