Grounded After Neutering

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Middle River, Maryland, USA
General Bismarck has been with us for a little over three weeks and as neutered yesterday. He's been an absolute joy and I've had a wonderful time making sure he's happy and engaged throughout the day. But I'm feeling awful that the vet requested he get 7 days of cage time since the rooms in our apartments provide too much activity for him.

I feel so bad leaving him there during the week. He's been sitting in his poo box with a grumpy face all morning, and it's only day one! He was happily drugged and blitzed out of his mind last night, so that was not too bad.

He's not a chewer so giving him something new to rip up now and then won't cut it. He like knocking down his blocks, and I have been stuffing papertowel rolls with hay and goodies for him. But there he sits on his "man-throne" out of...boredom?

I have some lovely friends who are rabbit owners as well who's vet didn't request cage time after spaying. Maybe it's different with boys? Or perhaps because he's a climber.

Would any of you be able to talk about the healing of your bunny neuters? Any ideas on how to keep him occupied? Any ideas on how I can stop feeling like the bad guy?

He's also developed a love of licking all the blankets in the house over the last week. He really loves fleece. XD
My vet reccomended that he stay caged for 48 hours just to make sure he didnt tear his stitches and he didnt do much of anything during that 48 hours but after losing the bun that was supposed to be bonded to him during his neuter I didn't want to go against what the vet said and hurt him.

Your bun is probably sore which is why he is grumpy so just give him extra cuddles and he will be fine on a few days although a week seems like a bit much.
We neutered one of my tan boys before. But he was always caged. All of my bunnies live outside in hutches but they get a relief during show season. Fruit tree limbs are a good snack. We also bought this ball from pets mart to put hay in it and my higher strung tan doe loves rolling it around

Heal quickly General and you'll be back to binkys in no time!
countrybuns wrote:
My vet reccomended that he stay caged for 48 hours just to make sure he didnt tear his stitches and he didnt do much of anything during that 48 hours but after losing the bun that was supposed to be bonded to him during his neuter I didn't want to go against what the vet said and hurt him.

Your bun is probably sore which is why he is grumpy so just give him extra cuddles and he will be fine on a few days although a week seems like a bit much.
I think I am going to do just what you did. One more evening grounded and then I will give him free roaming in, at least, our office with the least amount of things to jump up on. He tends to be in here most anyhow, unless he's doing rabbit Olympics in the living room or pretending to be sliding in a luge on the floor of the bathroom or kitchen.
We have a cherry tree in the backyard, so he has cherry sticks at his will, but he's sadly not a chewer! We have apple tree blocks for him too, but he seems to only be interested in knocking them over with his nose or sticking them in his food bowl. XD He's so particular!

Yay tans! I just love my little General.
My vet suggested limited play time after Popcorn's neuter- I tried to keep him in his "hamster cage" overnight but he was terrified and wouldn't eat much. So I let him hop back into his cage and he's been super since then - he got neutered less than a week ago and he's binkying and running around. The vet said she's nicked him while shaving his privates but glued him back - I hope he gets better soon
Tweetiepy wrote:
My vet suggested limited play time after Popcorn's neuter- I tried to keep him in his "hamster cage" overnight but he was terrified and wouldn't eat much. So I let him hop back into his cage and he's been super since then - he got neutered less than a week ago and he's binkying and running around. The vet said she's nicked him while shaving his privates but glued him back - I hope he gets better soon
Oh your poor little guy! I wish him a quick recovery from his nicked jewels!
But technically he doesnt have any jewels anymore, lol, but still a quick recovery wished nonetheless! Honestly I think activity after some time to make sure stitches dont come out, is good for your bunny. It helps speed up the healing process, gets blood flowing to the incision site to heal it and whatnot. Just make sure he's not going crazy and everything should be fine :)
Just a word of warning...I've had lots of animals spayed/neutered over the years and I never really confined any of them. I never had any problems until I got my Flemish Giant neutered. This particular rabbit wouldn't go to the bathroom in the house or a cage and went outside to potty like the dogs. A few hours after he was home and was moving around I let him out. 15 minutes later I went to get him and he was lying down with this intestine hanging out! Of course this was now 11:30 at night and I had to take him to the emergency vet. It cost $1500 for the surgery and that was all the money I had, which of course was for bills. I did have the surgery done and he made it through thankfully.

When I talked to my regular vet who had performed the neuter the next day he told me that he was missing a layer of fat that would normally hold in the intestines. (Just because an incision opens up doesn't mean the intestines should fall out. That isn't normal.) He told me that it was a rare thing but happened occasionally.

Just something to be aware of. Like he said it is rare but it cost me a lot of money and he could of still ended up dying on the table. And you know these things never happen during regular business hours. If I would have been able to take him back to my regular vet the cost would have been much less if he would have charged me at all.

Which brings up another issue. It's important to find out what the policies are of the emergency vet you may have to go to. At this place you have to pay in advance the entire amount or they won't help your animal. They wouldn't work with me at all. And it's also a good idea to find out before hand how much their services are because some of them are very pricey. I feel like I got ripped off to be honest. :(

Anyway, I'm sure your guy will be fine but I just wanted to let people know that freak things do happen.
Awwe you poor boy! They didn't do a closed surgery? I wonder why? I had read that neutering should be done using the closed method to help prevent additional exposure to infection, but also for a quicker heal and to prevent what happened to your poor guy! I think I would have sent the vet the bill for using a dated method. :/ I'm glad to hear he's ok now! Poor guy!

General Bismark has been out and about since yesterday. His incision is about a centimeter, if that, and looks pretty good. He has no bruising or inflammation. He has stopped gnashing his teeth as well. He's eating and pooing fine, but he's not quite in the binkie spirit. Yesterday, immediately after I let him out he dashed into a binkie, grunted, and curled up under my feet. I think he learned it's still too early to ninja about.

He's been happily perched on the back of the couch much of the afternoon.


Is he on pain meds? Mine had pain meds for 5 days, so he was probably out of it - but he was binkying around on day 2. When I opened his cage to feed him he'd sneak out - I checked his incision and only glue holds it together, but they look okay - I'm just wondering when they'll deflate...
He didn't give me anything for General Bismarck. He only warned that he may gnash his teeth abit if he's sore for a day or two tops, but that if he's still being grunty that I would be able to pick something up for him. He only gnashed his teeth when my fiance held him while I was cleaning his cage on the second day.

He seems to be nearly 100% good as new. He binkies a fair bit, but not as much as usual. He's climbing book cases, diving off the couch no matter how well I think I've barricaded him, and he's back to humping stuffed animals a little too.

Makes me wonder if he even had surgery!

He has two small stitches and a little bit of glue. The stitches are supposed to dissolve in the next day or so. I was so worried for him, but apparently he's a little Hercules!
LOL he is so cute and I love all of his acrobatics. It takes about a month to get all the hormones out. They can even still father babies for about two weeks until everything is cleaned out of the system.
You know, I would think he's gotten it all out of his system all ready. You have no idea how big his "hump toy" basket has grown. I have alot of special laundry to do this week. XD

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