Active Member
Hello, all!
My name is Alyssa. I'm an American living in Finland and I'm itching for a fuzzy baby.
I've found a breeder close by that I like and so far we've just been communicating through email.
My husband and I are actually moving at the moment and I want to make sure the apartment is adequately bunny-proofed before bringing the little fuzzbutt home.
I'm thinking around October would be the soonest we will adopt.
The bun will be free-roam except at bedtime and when we aren't home (which won't be very often), but I'd still like to build a custom cage. (Tips would be appreciated)
I know I want a boy, since my other rabbits have all been girls and I want to try something new this time. (Anything I should know about boys?)
The person we're buying from breeds lionhead and teddybear rabbits.
I've never had a lionhead before and I've never heard of teddybear buns before, but I'm looking forward to learning all the latest grooming techniques and hairball prevention methods.
Before moving to Finland, my mother and I had three rabbits.
I debated about bringing my little bunny with me, but she is around seven years old and I was afraid the long plane ride might be too much for her, so I ended up leaving her with the other two at my mom's house.
I miss them all.
Hmm. I guess that's enough of an introduction for now. If I missed something, let me know.
Tilt your head to the left. Am I crazy, or does Finland look like a bunny? :biggrin:
My name is Alyssa. I'm an American living in Finland and I'm itching for a fuzzy baby.
I've found a breeder close by that I like and so far we've just been communicating through email.
My husband and I are actually moving at the moment and I want to make sure the apartment is adequately bunny-proofed before bringing the little fuzzbutt home.
I'm thinking around October would be the soonest we will adopt.
The bun will be free-roam except at bedtime and when we aren't home (which won't be very often), but I'd still like to build a custom cage. (Tips would be appreciated)
I know I want a boy, since my other rabbits have all been girls and I want to try something new this time. (Anything I should know about boys?)
The person we're buying from breeds lionhead and teddybear rabbits.
I've never had a lionhead before and I've never heard of teddybear buns before, but I'm looking forward to learning all the latest grooming techniques and hairball prevention methods.
Before moving to Finland, my mother and I had three rabbits.
I debated about bringing my little bunny with me, but she is around seven years old and I was afraid the long plane ride might be too much for her, so I ended up leaving her with the other two at my mom's house.
I miss them all.
Hmm. I guess that's enough of an introduction for now. If I missed something, let me know.
Tilt your head to the left. Am I crazy, or does Finland look like a bunny? :biggrin: