Greetings from Rio!

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New Member
Oct 25, 2013
Reaction score
Rio de Janeiro, BR
Hello everyone! My name's Camila and although I only registered today, I had been browsing this forum for the past month or so in search of information. You see, I have recently adopted a little baby bun from a friend (he and his 9 little siblings were an accident, so to speak, for her rabbits had one intimate night just a couple days before the male was neutered, oops!), he's not even two months old yet -- and to be honest I am still unsure whether he's really a baby boy -- and my very first little bun. So I was in dire need of bunny-knowledge and spent this past month searching all the corners of the web for help.

RO has proved particularly helpful! And I am now a very happy bunny mama to the lovely Mini (I picked a gender neutral name just to be safe!). Since he's a mix and I am no specialist, I cannot tell his breed. All I do know is that he's not a dwarf (he's a big bun!) and is the sweetest little cuddlebun I have ever seen. He's been with me since the 4th of this month and I love him to pieces. He seems to have warmed up to me a lot as well and is so affectionate it shocks me at times. He currently has a big cage for himself that sits in my room and is never locked. It keeps his food and water bowls in one place as well as a spacious litter box and a little covered bed. He can come and go whenever he likes and he's very fond of the place! Even though he gets free range of my room (already bunny-proofed) all day and is free to run around the corridor and the living room during the day (with occasional, supervised visits to our backyard), he constantly returns to his cage to eat, drink and rest.

I believe he's a very happy bun! Follows me around everywhere and loves cuddling up to me -- especially at night. Despite one medical scare (very loud teeth grinding and no interest in food or water) that left me panicky, he's absolutely no trouble and a full time sweetheart.

Well, nice to meet you all! And I'll make sure to introduce my Mini to the forum soon.
Hello and welcome to RO, we would love to see a pic of Mini, he sounds like a lovely little bunny. Glad you found us and all the info on here, look forward to hearing more about your little bunny.
Thank you guys! Mini and I both feel very welcome already. And here are a couple pictures of the little one (who's impossible today).


:hello & :welcome1
Nice to meet you & Mini! Love those pix of Mini! He/she is just so adorably cute! Glad you two decided to hop on in & join us at RO!

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