Goodbye Marshmallow

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cheryl13 wrote:
I still cry for them i supposed to?,shouldn't i be over it by now?,but i find myself always thinking about her and the others,and then the tears just fall....i know that i'm just an over sensitive fool,but i cannot help bunnies are my babies...

Oh Marshy..mummy misses you baby girl :(
Dearest Cheryl,

There is no time limit to how long you love nor how long you grieve for loved ones. It's actually very healthy for you to allow the tears to fall. They are tears of healing, and although I wish I could say the pain will go away in your missing them, I don't think it does. I think we just learn to adjust to the pain.

Besides, it goes to show just how deep your love runs for your little ones - here and in Heaven. Do I think it's odd that you still cry? Absolutely not!! I find it indicative of the depth of your love. What would it say if you were able to just brush it off like you just swatted a fly?

You are not "over sensitive". You give of your heart completely and because of that, you feel deeply. Some people regard emotional people as a bad thing. To me, they are the deep divers of this world. They dive into the water and give all they've got to learn with the experiences they have. Sure, you could play it safe and snorkle on top of the water and stay towards the shallow part, but you would miss out on so much - as would we because there are a great deal of animals and people in your life (here and gone) that have benefitted greatly from the wonderful woman that you are.

It's okay to cry. There is no shame in it. When you need to do it, do it because that's the only way to get through the worst part of the pain.

My thoughts, prayers and love are with you.


Like i have said in my pm to you before Carolyn,i have never lost a human before,so there for i do not know the pain,i only know the pain of losing my bunnies,and that hurts bad enough,but like you said,sometimes losing a pet can hurt even more,and boy does it really hurt.

The part where you said that there is no shame in crying,that's the thing,i don't know why it takes me forever to stop those tears,no body knows that i still cry for them,except you guys now...i have just let you all in on my secret.

My poor little heart feels like it has been through so much,not only with me losing my bunnies,but withwhat's gone on in my life as well.

This is why i adore my bunnies,they love me and they would never hurt me,they showed me what it was like to smile again..sounds weird..but it's true.

You know,i can just see myself when i'm really old and sitting in my rocking chair,i will be thinking about all my bunnies with this big warm smile on my face.


Marshmallow with her babies,Marley is lying in front and Chocolate Bunny is in the middle and sweet Cassidy who just wanted to face the other way

Gosh,they were about 6 weeks old in that picture


Tsk...oh look at them all together!!!! :inlove:

I am going to print out a picture of Chocolate Bunny and her family with her beautiful Mom today so that my man can see her. I was describing the picture of her in her little hole in the ground and the way she just is plopped there, but it's hard to put into words how adorable she is. Same with ChocoBun.

Do yourself a favor and stop judging yourself! Like I said, there's nothing wrong with you and there is no timelimit on how long we need to cry or feel sad over the loss of a loved one. Some people/pets change our lives forever and when they're no longer in their physical form, there's a void that can not be filled by anyone/bun than the one you long for.

As I said to you, human/animal - it doesn't matter - grief is grief. I, for one, will tell you with some,it's even harder to lose an animal because they give everything they have to us - unconditional love, acceptance, a friendship that is always there waiting and welcoming us when we get home.

I still am grieving over Buck. There's not a single day that has gone by that I don't think about him many times throughout. It's been 2.5 years - does that mean I need to get on with life? What's to say I haven't, but is it wrong of me to grieve still for him.No. It just is what it is and I truly don't care what people think of it. There will never be another Buck. Others have tried to step into his shoes, but no one ever will be able to. He had a wisdom and loyalty that is hard to match by anyone I know.

I do believe that someday,we'll all be together again -the ones we lovedand lost- both animal and people. I have to say, it's comforting for me to see all the shows on hauntings this week because of Halloween.

Hey, did Chocolate Bun ever get as big as Marshmellow? She looks so big in that picture with her babies. I didn't expect her to be more than about 2.5 lbs. How much does Chocolate Bun weigh?
Carolyn wrote:
Hey, did Chocolate Bun ever get as big as Marshmellow? She looks so big in that picture with her babies. I didn't expect her to be more than about 2.5 lbs. How much does Chocolate Bun weigh?

Yeah,when Marsh was pregnant,i didn't even know,as it was all an Pippi was supposed to be a girl,i only realized he was a boy,after two of my girls had cute as they were,i didn't want any little babies...but i didn't have the heart to give the babies away.

Anyway,Marsh's weight was fine before she was pregnant,it was when she got pregnant,that she started putting on all this weight,and the pellets that we have over here are all lucerne/alfalfa based,no healthy pellets over here,so they didn't help any,even after Marsh had her surprise babies,she still had trouble with her weight,the others were fine,they weren't fat like her.

Carolyn,if you hadknown Marshi in real life,you would have realized she had this something special about her,she could wrap you around her little paw,and that is what she did with everyone,and i eventually knew what she was up to,she was sneaking food from people...all she had to do was sit by people and give them her sweet innocent look.....what a girl wants..a girl gets;)

But i had to put a stop to it,and i know she wasn't very happy about that,i'm sure she was wondering why her charm wasn't working anymore lol

But it was the start to a very long journey,and her weight went up and down,until eventually i seperated her at pellet time,because she was always the last one to still be eating...she loved food.

Well i eventually started to get her on track,and she was starting to do really good,nobody was sneaking her any morefood,her pellets were cut back,and she was allowed to have treats but only in the right proportion.

She got sick Carolyn,and i didn't even know because she was doing so good with her weight and she never stopped eating:(

Chocolate Bunny and Cassidy take after their mum,Marley is the odd one out,she don't put the weight on as easy as the other two,so i have to watch what they eat,Chocolate Bunny started to get a bit pudgy at one time,as did Cassidy.

The last time i got Chockie weighed was when she had severe GI Stasis,and she weighed 2.3kg.

Aww...bless Marshmellow's little heart and her love for food. I can completely relate to the pumpkin. :embarrassed:Food is my downfall too! A little pudge - what's the harm. :biggrin2:

She was always the perfect Beauty - no matter how "big" she got. What a little Love. And her babies - just like their Mama! That's so precious. I love to see it when they go crazy for food like that. Cali is like that - just gobbles things down like there's no tomorrow.

There's no question of a doubt that Marshmellow (and Chocobun and all of Marsh's babies) would have me wrapped around their little paw. They already did that and I didn't even know them in person. It's so clear that they are the epitome of Love, Contentment, and all good things. I wish I could/'ve hold each of them - given them a hug and kiss and treats, but my heart does that every day for them. As odd as it sounds, in my heart, they're my babies too. I would've wanted to take them from you, but I would've been concerned that it would've messed with their Perfect Personalities.

I have the same love for Chocolate Bunny as I do for Marshmellow. I am going to have to print a color picture of both of them. They're so incredibly precious in my heart.


You make sure you give Chocolate Bunny extra love and attention from me today. I sure miss her and want her to know that she's loved around the world.

Ohh Carolyn,you really are a very special woman,you know that?!

Chocolate Bunny says thankyou for loving her,and she thinks your special too,and she sends you lots ofbunny kisses

A lot has gone on today,and i'm feeling very sad..i went out the back yard earlier today and i just sat by Marshmallow's grave and i just cried and cried...and all i could say was.."oh Marsh,what's going on in my life at the moment".....everything sucks!!

Oh Cheryl, :(

I'm so sorry things are not well. They WILL get better, but it's hard when you're in the middle of a crashing wave. My heart goes out to you. It's really important for you to take especially good care of yourself right now while you're going through this turmoil. Make sure you tend to the basics - sleeping and eating. Never underestimate the power of water too - it always seems to help me to take a bubble bath or a hot shower and let the worries run off like water off a duck's back.

Whatever your beliefs are - be it in God, the Universe, a Higher Power, - ask for help in getting through this. Know that you are loved and lovable and that you're stronger than you know.

Nurture yourself and spend plenty of time with your babies. They know you're in pain and will respond accordingly if you let them. You didn't have to go to Marshmellow's grave...she was and is always by your side.

You'll get through this...breathe and be kind to yourself. I'll be thinking and praying for you and the bunnies. As dark as things seem, as Buck would say, "You never know where the day's gonna go." This day could turn around for you and be one of the best you've had in a long time, so keep the faith!

Much Love,


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