Going to my first rabbit show Saturday

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Thanks, Angela. It was really fun and I can't wait for the next one, but I have stuff going on for the next one, it's a 2 day show. Suppose I could go just one day, lol. I have a Pony Express race one of the days. It's at the Amanas, so that's a little closer to you. Will be about an hour from me. Look on the ARBA website on their shows page. It's April 16-17. There's one in Waterloo on Mother's Day also. I hope you can make one. Yes, it's very tempting to go w/out taking a bunny home. :)

There were no free ones at this show. The only living things in the raffles were guinea pigs. I didn't win any raffles either.... oh well. I met a hairless piggy and a Silkie piggy. Both very cool piggies and so sweet. Only saw one Abby and it was the wrong color! Nothing like my girl there. :(

A lot of breeders had sale bunnies, but not everyone had signs saying so. You had to ask and some of them weren't exactly friendly either. I steered clear of them. The majority of them were very friendly and happy to share information and whatnot about their breeds when I politely asked. But there were a few that were "too good to talk to me" types. I hate people like that. Now that I know their breeds, I will simply ignore them.

The other Flemish folks were great!! The lady I met w/ Belgian Hares was terrific. She cares a lot about her breed and it showed. Several standard Rex breeders were also fantanstic. Holland Lops, etc... most of the small breed people and the giant breeders were nice. Biggest trouble were the Angora breeders unfortunately. Oh well.

In my experience the angora people are usually the busiest at the shows. I talk to a few via online and they are constantly racing around at the show and trying to get ready. Lots of grooming to be done at the show and I think that's part of the problem.
I know when I go to shows I have 3 kids with me all showing there own breed. I have my 2 breeds one being a english angora. I am raceing from one table to another and do not get to settle down till lunch. That is when I ask people to come back and talk bunnies. The older girls are better about writing what the judge has to say but 1/2 the time I am help my youngest with her rabbit. With 6 breeds sometimes showing it is hard for me to stop and talk. There is times I have 2-3 breeds on the table at the same time. This show comming up on the 9th I have just a few bucks and a doe going as all my others are bred and my english angora is cut down. So it should be a relaxing show.
Sorry if it sounded like I was clumping all angora breeders together... certainly not, only the one at the show that I managed to get a whopping two whole words out of. This was after all the showing was done and she was simply sitting there relaxing. All of the bunnies were put in their cages and relaxing as well. It seemed like a perfect time to discuss her breed, but nope. After getting the cold shoulder, I took the hint and went on my way.

And yes, I do realize angora's take a lot of work to prepare for shows.

Thanks, Crystal and Currie. Good luck at all your shows this year and your girls, too!


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