"God must love idiots 'cause he made so darn many!

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Thank you G Carlin. My wife went shopping yesterday. She asked a man why he wasn't wearing a mask and he cussed her out. She got the store manager and he did the same thing and she did nothing. He told her he was exempt. There is a short list of exemptions for physical limitations but he picked up a 40 pound bag of rock salt so he clearly has not got any of the limits listed. I talked to a city councilor, a county commissioner and someone in the governors office and they all said "Mask at all times in public". My wife said she was glad I wasn't there 'cause no one talks like that to a woman, or to me without getting free, on the spot dental work. He was also sneezing all over in the bakery so she left out of there as fast as she could. The district manager of the store said she should have called the police as the store has a mask only policy as does the city, county, and state. He had no right to act the way he did and threaten 2 women. I really do wish I had been there!
Cursing or yelling at people is seldom productive. I'm sorry your wife had to endure that. I've heard similar stories but of the mask wearers yelling at those not wearing masks. It's a touchy subject, apparently both ways.

I don't care whether someone does or doesn't wear a mask. I think each person should consider recommendations and suggestions but ultimately make that decision for themselves. Mandates have questionable legality, in my opinion.

Most cities in the Phoenix Valley have imposed mandates. One of them, however, has not, and that mayor has put out a statement that I am in full agreement with:

“I’ve stated this is up to the individual. If you feel you’re at risk, stay home. I also hope that folks don’t get upset at businesses that require PPEs, as that is their right also. People need to take responsibility for their own lives. I think it’s sad that some put their safety in the hands of a mayor, councilmember or governor. We must learn to live in the modern world on our own eventually. There are always going to be risks and illnesses out there and we’ll get through it. Also, everyone is essential and every job is essential to providing for a household. I recommend that you keep a mask on hand, in your vehicle or office in case you visit a business or other facility where they are required."
A little more on the subject--if you are physically unable to wear a mask, physical disability that makes it difficult to put one on or off, or deaf---you are REQUIRED to wear a face shield, no exceptions. Dr Fauci and several others recommend that if you can't, you shouldn't be out. This guy had no disability under the state guidelines and if he did have an exemption--faceshield, and I have checked long and hard, and guess what, rude and belligerent don't make the exemption list. Smith's (Kroger) and Von's have signs saying mask up before and have people at the entrance that won't let you in the store without protective gear in place and worn properly. I stand by the G Carlin quote.

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