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Nope, and i don't think that i'd ever want to own one. From what i know, they're more demanding than most rabbits, and our country being the way it is, isn't the best option to have anyone else besides cats and dogs. Everyone other than them is severely underrated and mistreated (mentioned more of it in my venting post). So definetly no while i'm still in this country.
Tpbm ________?
Hmmm I think there are some good quality vets here and lots of of them, so the care is good from that perspective. But a lot of people don’t educate themselves about pet care, or the responsibilities and impacts that pets have on your lifestyle, before getting them. It’s also a really transient environment and people probably don’t look into the cost of pet transport. So as a result, so many cats, dogs and bunnies are just dumped out in the heat, it’s heartbreaking.

Sorry, that was a long one!

The person below me likes like scented candles
It depends on the scent.

TPBM prefers low pile rugs to high pile rugs. Idek how I thought of this one 😂
I do! Recently I tried rock painting. I like drawing a lot. I also like origami and stuff


The person below me plays games on an xbox
Nope. Most of my friends do, but I just don't understand Xbox or PlayStation.

TPBM works out. I started a workout yesterday and I'm so sore today :confused:
Yeah, but it's only so I don't do horrible in gym class.

The person below me has made toys for their bun!