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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
hartford, , USA
So i want to start growing some fresh veggies for the bunnies this summer! But i dont know what to exactly get. I would like to know what you guys grow and what has been successful for you!! I dont know what to exactly grow right now :p
I think I'd start with wheatgrass. Just get some wheat somewhere [health food store etc], soak some of the berries about a day & then plant maybe 1/4" in clay or 1/2" in other soil. Also cilantro or parsley.

In spring & fall you can plant any kind of leaf lettuce. They don't do well in hot weather. I love fennel & have grown it for awhile. Rabbits are supposed to like it, but Honey didn't seem to. Guess I'll have to try again.

If you're where other animals [especially wild rabbits] live, I'd plant in a raised planter so that no parasites get on the food.
Yes they will be on a flower pot. I want to start off with two, my mom and i think that romaine and maybe some sort of herb plant will be best to start off with. Im going to the store tonight just to price everything and to even see what they have for veggies that they will like. I plan on doing organic potting soil.I hope i have a green thumb! We shall see!!
If you are only doing flower pots, parsley, cilentro, oregano, as well as wheat grass will do well in flower pots.

As I have a huge garden that will have kale, cilentro, parsley, wheat grass, carrots, cucumbers, green peppers, tomatoes. All for our bunnies.

Regarding the wild rabbits, if you have a good mesh fence, bunnies stay out. Have a wild rabbits nest with babies (Jake found yesterday) right next to the garden.

The squirrels getting in my stupid neighbor's trash are the problems regarding parasites that hurt. Almost took Jake.

Give me wild bunnies any time.

I'm growing a sweet potato plant for Sweet D. He loves the leaves. It was super simple to do to, I just got a sweet potato, cut the end off, stuck several tooth picks in the side and put it in a glass jar of water so half was in the water, half was sticking out. About a week later, roots started growing and sprouts started growing from the top. After a few weeks I stuck it in a pot of dirt. =)
Parsley and cilantro are both pretty easy to grow, as is basil. I've never had luck with carrots or lettuce though....
Maybe ill just start off with some parsley and some wheat grass or cilantro then. Im not sure about my "green thumb" so i want to start easy and see what happens. My guys have never had those before hey never hurts to try!! Someone is bound to like it :p... now i know that they have "plant food" do you guys use that or is just organic potting soil and some water and badabing badaboom veggies appear!
fribble2110 wrote:
Maybe ill just start off with some parsley and some wheat grass or cilantro then. Im not sure about my "green thumb" so i want to start easy and see what happens. My guys have never had those before hey never hurts to try!! Someone is bound to like it :p... now i know that they have "plant food" do you guys use that or is just organic potting soil and some water and badabing badaboom veggies appear!

There's some really good potting soil out there now. I'd stick with that. Miracle grow makes it too, with plant food in it already.

We use hydroponics for our wheat grass. Grows all year round. You can do that with your pots as well. Especially with basil, parsley and oregano.

The leafy veggies I would think would be a bit hard to do in a pot. Did arugula last year. Came up good in the garden. Trying kale this year.

Hmmm now for the decisions! Im going today to go see what the local little store has thats already grown :p I dont think im that awesome to grow something from a seed quite yet! So all i need is potting soil and a pot! .... how big of a pot do you think ill need for 2 herbs?
fribble2110 wrote:
Hmmm now for the decisions! Im going today to go see what the local little store has thats already grown :p I dont think im that awesome to grow something from a seed quite yet! So all i need is potting soil and a pot! .... how big of a pot do you think ill need for 2 herbs?

I'd start with plants myself. I'd get a medium size pot. You don't want to start the two plants too close together. Give them some room to grow.

ok! :) Thank you for all the help!
Jes, are you sure sweet potato plants are ok for rabbits to eat? They may be, I'm just not sure. Have you seen documentation that they're ok?
LakeCondo wrote:
Jes, are you sure sweet potato plants are ok for rabbits to eat? They may be, I'm just not sure. Have you seen documentation that they're ok?

Yes, sweet potatoes, the leaves and the potato itself are on a safe list I found online. He's been eating them with no problem.
Well we went out tonight... and i thought just to look and we came home with some italian parsley!! Im going to let it grow a bit more before the rabbits get a taste of it! Now to find out if i have a green thumb!
Im gunna see how this little plant grows then i think im going to try and findd cilantro :) My boyfriend thinks im cheating because i bought and already grown plant lol so he is making me grow hot peppers and tomatos from seeds >.< I told them they wont grow but he instists that it will lol im glad he has faith in me!
Fribble, unless the Hartford you live in is in Hawaii, Florida, or a similar climate, you're not going to have any ripe peppers or tomatoes planting them from seed now. In most of the US they need to be planted indoors under a plant light at least 6 weeks before the plants are to be transplanted outside. When that is depends by location, but here it's not until about Memorial Day for tomatoes & maybe a week earlier for peppers.

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