Gardening Time!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
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Salyersville, Kentucky, USA
It is that time again, lovely spring. If your anything like me you planted stuff WAY back at the first warm spell. It got cold to fast for anything to grow like it should but it is still all alive and finely looking likely.

I love my veggies so the bunnies have to share with me. I have planted lettuce, kale, mustard green, collard green, spinach, radish, broccili, cauliflower and other not-so-rabbit-friendly things like onions and cabbage. I have lots more to plant but with how busy I have been I have not got to much done.

My uncle plowed a big area out at the rabbits for me but the groundis so freaking rocky. I am planting out there but going to plan in the old tobacco field with the rest of the family as a backup incase my plants can not grow very good at the rabbits.

I also have parsley, dying cilontro, dead basil (sniff), lavender and lemon balm in the house. Got to plant more basil, I use loads of it on homemade pizza, in pesto and for the rabbits so I need it. It seems hard to raise inside but it has been frosting here so it can't go outside yet. Ugg.

I really need to get my peas planted ;)I can not wait to plant the fruit, I LOVE watermellon :biggrin2:

I already watered today. I have set up lots of diffrent rain water collecting things and most are full and over flowing so I am watering almost everyday, haha.

So I am using recycled water as well as rabbit compost! I also have like 4 things outside for compost from the house as well as a big pile of both the rabbit droppings and bedding and stuff from the house.

What are you doing for your gardening? Just for the buns? For you and the buns? Doing anything special to help the earth while growing your own?
That's what I need to do - put on my gloves and grab the hoe! Haha. My garden for the bunnies looks really awful right now. Weeds everywhere, and we need to add some miracle grow and rabbit manure so we can start planting!!

I think this year we are going to just plant parsley, carrots...and well I'm not exactly sure what else. lol. Have to figure out what we want. :) Last year we started the seeds inside, and they grew wonderfully until we put them outside! I think it's the quality of our soil - even with the manure, so hopefully miracle grow will help our veggies and herbs grow big and strong this year!

My mom has a small garden for raspberries and strawberries - although last summer when we had a brush fire, they got burned, so not sure if we will get anything at all this year. :/ It looked like they were thriving when I saw them earlier, so hopefully we'll get some fruits off of the plants. :)

We've been getting the planting beds prepared.
Everything has been raked and weeded.
We've put a few potted plantings out during the day, but we're still getting some pretty cold nights to be planting gardens yet.

MrsD will plant the flower beds, as well as the tomato and zucchini gardens.
I've got to put up some garden fencing before she does that, though.
Last year the groundhogs ate the young zucchini plants, so we got a very small yield...they (along withthe wild rabbits) gota lotof the tomato harvest, too.

I'm planning on having a "bunny garden"with parsley and basil...maybe some leafy lettuces.
I haven't been too lucky with carrots, but maybe I'll give them a go.
Dandelions do really well in my yard, so I always have a good supply!

Same here with the Dandilions! Everywhere right now, I do not remember the yard being so full of their flowers. Everyone is getting two-three flowers a day and we still have plenty.

I tried carrots last year, no luck. Going to try again this year. I am trying to find diffrent types of lettuce. Last year the dollar store had like five diffrent types, now they have one. It is the same kind as the local garden store has so we get it from there by the scoop.

I am doing my garden all organic. I did it that way last year and the lettuce did well. I had surgery right in the middle of season and I could only stand out there long enough to keep my lettuce, basil and banana peppers weeded and growing. I refuse to use pesticides and growers. If you knock the plants off every day that keeps it well enough. The compost is well rich enough for growth, rabbit compost is better than any horse crap :p

I use compost tea to water here in the house, but outside I have to much to water it would be to much of a hassle. The compost tea works wonders though! Dying plant? Little compost tea and next day it is perky again. Trust me, I about let my lavander and lemon balm die about 4 times now, each time I notice I run and make some compost tea and next day we are happy again.
Do you notice your rabbits' coats getting nice because of the dandelion leaves? That's what I feed my rabbits as a conditioner - don't really know if it work or not, but I have heard that it does. :)

I am thinking it is working - I have been giving several a day to my bunnies in molt, and I think it is helping get their coat in better condition.

If not, they still enjoy them. :D

I had carrots last year too - and they didn't grow very well at all! :( Which sucks, because I love homegrown carrots, fresh out of the garden with the dirt still on them! :p I think I will plant some romaine lettuce this year and see how that turns out. :)
Oooh you grew banana peppers!? Did they turn out nice? I wonder if those would grow well up here in WA? I absolutely love Banana peppers - always get them on my sandwiches when I go to Subway. :p

I've been pulling out the dandelions (trying not to grow them) the bunnies like the weeds though. I can't go up the garden without pulling something, even just a handful of grass, because Gypsy comes running thinking I'll have something and looks so miffed if I don't.

I'm growing carrots in containers, the peas are plants and baby lettuces ready to go out soon. My window sills are full of baby peppers, toms and aubergines.

I must sow some basil too, got some seeds ready :)
We still have over a month before danger of frost is over, so I haven't done much in the flower beds or any gardening prep.
We still have a month before frost is over but ground plants, greens(lettuce, kale, collards, ect), onions, peas, ect can all be put out. Mustard and peas are both cold weather crops.

I guess they coats are better :/ I just know they are free, the rabbits like them and they are good for them!

After my surgery the only things I worked to keep alive was the greens and the banana peppers. I LOVE them BPs. They did amazingly. I had 6 plants, I believe, and I always had peppers to pick when I wanted to to go into something. They are yumm-o in rice dishes :D
I now have a row of pea and a whole HUGE row of kale, collard greens, lettuce, mustard and spinach. Tonight I plan to put out the other type of peas, onions and more radish and see if I can plan the carrots already.

I planted them up in the field where my cousin is planting. Out at the rabbits is to rocky that I am afraid the stuff out there will not grow it it's potensial and I KNOW the carrots will not grow out there :p
I don't have buns yet, but me and my brother and dad got a grow kit. We'll plant inside, then transplant to our garden outside! I'm still working on convincing my mom for the bun! We're planting-Watermelon,cucmber,tomatos, long red cayenne peppers, and jalepenos!

Of that what could a bun have?
The description of this thread made me laugh out loud :clapping:

Anyways, I currently live in an apartment, so I won't be gardening anytime soon...but I do love to go buy flowers to put them in pots. I would also like to start growing some herbs and veggies for my wheat grass and parsley.

BrittsBunny wrote:
The description of this thread made me laugh out loud :clapping:

Anyways, I currently live in an apartment, so I won't be gardening anytime soon...but I do love to go buy flowers to put them in pots. I would also like to start growing some herbs and veggies for my wheat grass and parsley.

I was waiting on someone to comment on it. My cousins and I joke about it all the time. "Where is my hoe? Oh there she is" :biggrin2:
bunnybunbunb wrote:
BrittsBunny wrote:
The description of this thread made me laugh out loud :clapping:

Anyways, I currently live in an apartment, so I won't be gardening anytime soon...but I do love to go buy flowers to put them in pots. I would also like to start growing some herbs and veggies for my wheat grass and parsley.

I was waiting on someone to comment on it. My cousins and I joke about it all the time. "Where is my hoe? Oh there she is" :biggrin2:
LOL I guess my mind is in the gutter :biggrin2:

"You've got my mind in the gutter
When we're touchin' on each other" doo, dooo, do. I love Chris Crocker :D

I wanted to get the carrots planted today but I got done babysitting, came home and just sit around until right before dark when I went and fed. All alone. Mom should had been home longer before now....
I have a potted herb garden with basil, mint, flat leaf parsley, and curly leaf parsley. Lily loves it when I go pick her some fresh herbs!