Fruits / treats

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Nov 8, 2009
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Me and my gf just picked up our first rabbits yesterday (Ill start a new thread with pics about them later) and I was just wondering about fruits and treats. We gave each of them a slice of bananna and they went nuts for it.

Sooo how much fruit / treats is ok and how much is going overboard? Thx.
Sorry, if this should be in the nutrition section please move it. If not nvm.
Some ppl give their rabbits small peices of banana's or apples, maybe once or twice a week but I personally don't give my rabbits fruits. It's not good for them. It's sugary and it's not good for them.

Everyone is different so....if your gonna give it to them give in small quanity as treats.

April :)
What age are they? If they are under 3 months of age I wouldn't give them any, especially if their mother had none when she was nursing them or if you don't know whether she did or not. Until they are 3 months I would just stick to plain pellets and hay. Then you can start slowly introducing veg and fruit into their diet. Congrats on becoming bun parents.
irishbunny wrote:
What age are they? If they are under 3 months of age I wouldn't give them any, especially if their mother had none when she was nursing them or if you don't know whether she did or not. Until they are 3 months I would just stick to plain pellets and hay. Then you can start slowly introducing veg and fruit into their diet. Congrats on becoming bun parents.
Good point. I forgot the age thing. Thanks Grace. Lol.
irishbunny wrote:
What age are they? If they are under 3 months of age I wouldn't give them any, especially if their mother had none when she was nursing them or if you don't know whether she did or not. Until they are 3 months I would just stick to plain pellets and hay. Then you can start slowly introducing veg and fruit into their diet. Congrats on becoming bun parents.

I forgot to put the age. They are adults, not sure the exact age since they are adopted but 3-4 years I think. They are already getting unlimited hay, 1/4 cup of pellets, and veggies everyday. I sent an email to the foster parent to ask how often they were getting a treat, but was just curious to see what people here thought.
I give Midas a small piece of banana every other week or so, sometimes sooner sometimes longer, and he goes nuts for it! He is still at a very healthy weight. I also give him papaya every other day (small quantity) because it is good for digestion (so I've heard).
I would agree with the other posters who have commented on the high sugar levels. A quarter-sized piece of banana for a treat is great :) I would promote you to stay away from dried fruits with sugar added, though.

If you've got a dehydrator, you could have a whale of a time making your own dried fruit snacks for the buns :D
One thing to try that's probably not quite as sweet as banana flesh is the banana peel. I think my buns prefer the peel.
i dont feed fresh banana,just the banana chips
a couple blue berries a day as treats as well

feed veggies over fruits though
I usually give an apple between my 2 bunnies, every 2nd day

They are healthy buns, but pellets, hay & of course fresh water is needed!
I'll have to try the bananna chips. They do get their unlimited hay, 1/4 cup of pellets and veggies and go through water like crazy which is a good thing. I was just wondering about giving them treats. Thanks everyone.

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