FruFru and Boots blog

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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2010
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Ashland, Kentucky, USA
Hello Everyone,

I started my rabbbit a blog last year but do to my busy schedule, unsucessfully. A lot has changed since I began last years blog, my rabbit and cat now live a part, due to a recent move back into my parents house since I am not supposed to have any pets, inside anyways. Not to mention the cat is showing some agression since the time is nearing for him to be neutered. But anyways let me began by introducing you to the clan.

First, my name is Brittany and I live in ashland Kentucky ( North Eastern Part of Kentucky) I am currently attending the local community college working on getting my batcherlor's degree in Elementary Education, while working part-time at Rite Aid Pharmacy.

I must say learning and children are my passion and I hope to one day volunteer to help set up schools in another country, but for now that is just a dream.

I also love travel and absolutely love traveling to Gatlinburg TN whenever I get the chance, my best friend and I try to make the trip once a year since she also enjoys traveling as well.

Now, the animals...

Fru Fru is a black lop mix, his name comes from the song Little Bunny Foo Foo but I had always heard it with Fru Fru, silly I know. I bought Fru from a pet store, where he was in a cage with about three other rabbits but he was the biggest and the only black one. I found out later that the reason that he was bigger than the other bunnies was because he was older than the rabbits they usually buy because he was the only surviver in a horrible ice storm where sadly all of his siblings and mother died.

Once I got him home he was shy, and didn't enjoy being pet or even taking food from my hand, but over time his personality came through and he became a funny boy who loves begging for food and has an obsession with chewing on flip flops, he also refuses to sleep in a cage and always finds his way into the bed.

He has been very healthy and even bounced back from being fixed that same day. He now lives at my grandfathers house because of my living situation, my father wanted me to rehome him to a lady he knew who kept several rabbits in an outdoor hutch but I couldn"t bare the thought of my boy who loves cilantro and oat meal shoved in a hutch all day, since he is free range, eating a diet of pellets. So regardless of how inconvient he stays with me.

I also have a black and white, 1 yr old cat, who is as outgoing as Fru is shy. His name is Boots and he also came from a bad situation. My friend's aunt who teaches at a Middle School found him under a car when he was just a kitten, with his whiskers burned, probably from some kid who lives around the area. She took him hom with her but because she had animals herself called to see if I wanted him. he came home the next day.

Introducing him to the rabbit was a bad ordeal at first, I brougt Boots in and Fru took one look at him and hid under my bed for days, I felt so bad for putting him through that and considered taking Boots back. But things slowly got better and they became the best of friends and would even chase each other through the house, and Fru even began to share food with the cat.
Well... I am back. I took a break from here for personal reasons.
Anyways, and update on the animals: above I mentioned that Fru lived at my grandfather's home but he decided that he could no longer live with him, so I moved him into the basement(it is heated and air conditioned). Yesterday, I reintroduced Boots and Fru and they were so happy to see each other. So, hopefully the basement will work out because if it doesn't I don't know where he will go next but like I said before no matter how inconvenient the boys stay with me.
Fru got his first run around of the basement tonight with Bootsy close behind. He actually did better than I thought. He came right out and began chasing Boots around the room. when I first got him he was so shy but now he is really loosing up and developing a personality.

Fru when I first brought him home
So today, I've had the biggest headache and really need to be doing homework but rather be posting on here.
On to the bun: I really need to get Fru a new cage since he is spending so much time in, I feel really bad about that since he really doesn't have room to run around in the cage and the basement doesn't provide much room that is safe for him, I just hope one day I can move to my own home where he can have a bunny room again. More pictures soon
We have a couple of playpens that can be set up really easy and collapsed back down with no trouble. There's room for boxes and pans and all that and can keep you boy penned in safely in an area you can't give him free reign in.
I saw the cutest lion heads today, I have been wanting one for a long time but do to the current living situation Fru is all ready in, I know it would be irresponsible to bring another rabbit into it. It just sucks because I went from living in my own home where I could do whatever I wanted to living in a house where two other people make the rules. I just wish I could spend more time with my rabbit but since he now lives in the basement it just seems like I don't get to spend much quality time with him, because if I want to go play with him, I have to go outside, around back and into the basement when before we were in the same room. But free time isn't really something I see a lot of with school anyways but i am doing the best I can for what I have to work with.
We have been getting a lot of rain here the past few days so I had to do a late night rescue mission and move FruFru to higher ground since our basement floods! Thank God I was proactive and moved him before any of the water got in the basement because now it has some water rising up to where his cage was, he wasn't happy about having to be moved again but with a few extra nose rubs he seems to have forgiven me.
Which brings me to my next annoyance, here in the past couple of days Fru has managed to turn over his dish with his pellets in it, I really don't see how since it's one of the ceramic ones, but he does and it is wasting so much pellets. I don't know if it is a game or he is doing it for attention of what but it is driving me nuts.
I haven't been giving him anymore than usual but he has been eating less, he doesn't act sick or anything. Maybe I'll cut down a bit on the pellets.
Thanks for the advice Jj
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to get on here and update a little on myself because I am so dang excited! Here in the next year, I hope if everything works out the way I hope I will be going to volunteer for a wonderful program called Out Reach 360, where I will be traveling to Nicaragua to work in an orphanage, not sure who will watch the bun and the cat yet,
Also, I will began substitute teaching and may be able to come up with enough money to get my own place and get Fru out of the basement.
On to the bun: He seems to be doing well except for the mild inconvenience of letting him run around in our unfinished basement but right now I can't think of another option I just couldn't stand to re home him and it's not like he is suffering it's me who is inconvenienced by the basement he is the kind of bun who doesn't like constant attention so the basement gives him his own space with me as a visitor and it is heated and air conditioned, thank God.
The kitty unfortunately isn't doing as well, he has been scratching his ear and now his neck til the point it bleeds. The vet can't figure it out because he has nothing to cause the scratching we have tried everything from ointments to antibiotics and nothing has seemed to break the habit, the vet thinks we may have to put a hood on him but that is a last resort for an active cat like Boots but we should have another appointment soon and I need to ask about him possibly having an abscess because he has been choking lately on his food, at first I contributed it to him eating too fast, he has always loved to eat but a few days ago I was petting him and felt a lump near his mouth, I tried to look myself but it acted like it hurt so I let it be but I guess it's back to the vet on Monday. I am worried though because I have never dealt with something like this. I couldn't stand to loose my sweet little Bootsy, who had such a rough start in life but completely trusts humans and his so loving. He makes me smile.
I guess it's time for a family update!

Boots' neck has gotten a lot better with me just keeping it clean and covered so it looks like we may just escape a trip to the vet. Don't get me wrong I keep twice daily check on it and if I find it isn't doing any better or is infected then he will be taken to get medical attention, I would just rather avoid the trip for the vet if I can to since he really hates car rides.
He has also been making nightly trips to the basement to visit the rabbit and he really enjoys it. It has been getting a lot cooler here lately and he sleeps in a chair outside with a blanket in it and seems to enjoy the cooler temperatures, it gets miserably humid here in the summer months and bitter cold in the winter, so when that comes we will move him as well as my mother's two cats in the house. I have been considering just putting him in the basement at night since the boys get along so well we will just have to see.
Fru- has really adjusted to living in our basement better than I thought he ever would, but the temperature is controlled so we don't worry about that. The other night I went down and spend all evening with him, more time than I have for awhile, he was so happy, he loves me but he also enjoys his alone time. I am looking to getting him a new cage, maybe a multiple level one since he is no longer free range. I thought about building him one of those like I see many rabbit owns have, the one made out of wire but it is just too big of a project for me to take on at the moment so maybe over Christmas or something since it would make things a lot easier especially in the winter months when we can no longer go outside for long periods.
Me: School is going great I love it especially since I have saved enough with my parents' help to be able to not work this semester since i just recently got laid-off from my job, it's great to have the ability to just focus on school something I have never had the luxury to do before, even if i do have to live with my mom and dad to do so. I am also going to begin working every Wednesday with the big brother/ big sisters program and I am very excited about that!
What I am not excited or happy about the fact that my unemployment is causing me so much trouble I mean I work for it I should get it. It does look promising it just seems to be taking too long.
So, we are all doing pretty well and I hope you all are as well
- Brit :pray::pray::pray:

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