Found a bunny

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Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
My husband found a bunny on the street. And I have no idea how old he is or what kind he is. Would somebody be able to tell me his breed?
Not yet, I probably should. He is a lot bigger than my previous bunny and a lot more social. The cutest thing is he comes and asks to be petted if he sees somebody's hand.
I have another question, how much pellet food should I give him? He is so hungry all the time and eats everything as soon as I give it to him.
Oh my gosh he's so cute.

In what area did you find him, you don't have to be real specific, I'mjust curiois. Are you going to keep him? He looks like a keeper.

Congrats to your hubby for stopping for him

Pellets depends on his weight. In general it's 1/4 cup per 5lbs of bun. He should also get unlimited timothy hay since he looks to be big/old enough to be off alfalfa.
Its North Toronto area. I am still thinking about putting up signs, maybe somebody is looking for him.

When my husband saw him, he first starting to run away, but then stopped, and my husband picked him up.
MarisaAndToby wrote:
Pellets depends on his weight. In general it's 1/4 cup per 5lbs of bun. He should also get unlimited timothy hay since he looks to be big/old enough to be off alfalfa.

Thanks, I should buy him hay. There is no way to tell him age or sex without seeing a vet?
Age it really hard to tell once they are adults. Sex can be fairly easy though, especially if they are intact and over about 4 months old. Bucks (males) will have 2 testicles on either side of the gentiles and are easy enough to spot, but you may have to move the fur to make sure they are there. Does (females) will of course not have them. It gets a bit harder if they are young or neutered. You will have to actually pop out the genitalia, bucks will sort of look like a doughnut and does like a taco. Both do pop up, so you can't tell just by that. If you are not sure, then you can try a rabbit vet or try to find someone who knows what they are doing. You can find good pictures on what to look for.
Don't want to be the bearer of bad tidings, but someone just dumped the little darling. They may be able to get out of a hutch, but to use a door knob is impossible. Have seen hundreds of ads for "found" bunnies, but, not a single one for a "lost" bunny. Most of the pellet bags have a recommended feeding amount somewhere and all of ours get unlimited hay and fresh veggies. Thanks for rescuing the little cutie.

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