Flemish giant diet

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Jun 24, 2015
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Hi! I have a 12 week old Flemish giant rabbit. The breeder said as babies she feeds unlimited pellets and Timothy Hay along with greens. Which is what I've been doing since we got him. I'm not measuring anything at the moment. Lately I've noticed he isn't eating much hay but he's eating a ton of pellets. I know he needs the hay. Any recommendations on what I can do to get him to eat more hay? View attachment ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1435120684.721956.jpg
Take away some pellets, it'll make him eat more hay. I can't remembers the exact measurement for how many pellets you're meant to be giving but I think it's somewhere between 1/2 a cup to a full cup. And a limited amount of vegetables. Hopes is helps!!
Thanks! I'll try that. He's seems healthy but he's my first rabbit and I want to make sure he's getting what he needs!
Feed 1/4 but since he's bigger than what buns get *Rex,Mini lop* I would say 1/4 morning and 1/4 at night
He's been eating like a cup and a half a day. Lol. He's a big guy and growing like a weed. But i want him to have a well balanced diet.
I agree with Chester1_and blueberry. I have a Flemish giant and that is what I feed her. She has unlimited hay aswell :) your bunny is gorgeous!
A young Flemish still needs enough pellets. Only cut back his pellets gradually until you see him increasing his hay consumption. Those limited amounts of pellets are for adult rabbits, not juveniles. A Flemish isn't considered an adult at 6 months as are the average-sized breeds. He will need to remain on the juvenile diet until 8-12 months of age.

If he's tolerating greens well, there is no need to cut back on greens. Just cutting back a bit on the pellets should get him to eat more hay. A general rule of thumb is for a bunny to eat his body size in hay volume each day.

Oh... one other consideration is how often the hay is refreshed. Don't wait for it to be eaten before refreshing. They tend to like to eat it when it is first put in the cage.
He won't eat it even when I first put it in there. And I don't know if he's even eating any of it to be honest. But he is certainly not eating anywhere close to his body size. Lol.
A young Flemish still needs enough pellets. Only cut back his pellets gradually until you see him increasing his hay consumption. Those limited amounts of pellets are for adult rabbits, not juveniles. A Flemish isn't considered an adult at 6 months as are the average-sized breeds. He will need to remain on the juvenile diet until 8-12 months of age.

If he's tolerating greens well, there is no need to cut back on greens. Just cutting back a bit on the pellets should get him to eat more hay. A general rule of thumb is for a bunny to eat his body size in hay volume each day.

Oh... one other consideration is how often the hay is refreshed. Don't wait for it to be eaten before refreshing. They tend to like to eat it when it is first put in the cage.

In 4 weeks we haven't gone through a small bag of it. 😕
In almost 4 weeks we haven't even used a small bag. I put fresh hay in every time I clean his cage/ give more pellets. Almost daily.
You can try mixing some alfalfa hay in with the timothy to entice him to eat. Sounds like you'll definitely want to be cutting back on pellets. Just don't do it too suddenly. Decrease gradually.

Alfalfa is a legume and is richer than regular grass hays (like timothy). His pellets are probably alfalfa-based which is fine for juvenile rabbits. Are your current pellets a plain pellet with no colorful tidbits? Plain is best.

Some rabbits are choosy about their hay. And yummy alfalfa-based pellets are often preferred over timothy hay. So by mixing some alfalfa hay in with the timothy hay, he may be more enticed.
In almost 4 weeks we haven't even used a small bag. I put fresh hay in every time I clean his cage/ give more pellets. Almost daily.

Mix in other hays and as you said he is still young and yes they need alfalfa but bring it in SLOWLY as it can upset the stomache and 1/4 ×2 is just enough but if you want 1/4 ×3 should be good too. I forgot to add yes you do need to introduce foods slowly. Sorry it's crucial and I forgot it is on my part. But at least... Blueeyes said it before me.....

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