Fleas. Help please.

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Sep 5, 2007
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They're dots. They're not ticks. Could they be insects from the hay? We've got 50lbs of hay in storage but we check regularly and it's clean. Still...

I've killed 6 that fell from my hair. 15-25 on the floor around Marbles' cage. Over the last 24 hours. I just lost Mocha last month. I'm trying not to freak out. I can't see them on him because he's got a thick coat. They're really small so I'm guessing it's a fresh hatch? What's the worst thing that could happen? What can I do?

What's the treatment? I'll still see vets but I trust RO people more than local vets and I need to know EVERYTHING. I'm from the Philippines. I've yet to meet a vet who knows as much about rabbits as the veterans/mods here do. Help please. Thanks.
I've sent you a PM with a link to the library article on fleas along with my suggestions..

I talked to several lionhead breeders along with one who owns a very very famous lionhead and I was told to use ONE DROP of Advantage for cats behind the ears. That is what I've started doing and so far....so good..

Once again though - here is the link to the article in the library..


Also - do NOT use Frontline!!!

Thanks, Peg.

Won't he eat it? He tends to be obsessive about his grooming. :|

Which part of the back of the ear exactly, just so I'm sure I'm doing the right thing.

Also Treatment of the environment is important (boric acid such as Fleabusters; Vet-Kem Acclaim Plus- Sanofi; Staykil- Novartis; Indorex- Virbac; acaricide spray).

Is there any natural way to treat the room? I'm hesitant to use sprays. White vinegar? Anything?
I made a spray which was really good at making the fleas jump so I could see them and vaccum them - and if I was feeding the rabbits in the garage and a flea jumped on me - they'd jump right back off.

The spray was:

1 gal water, 2 c mouthwash and 2 c any type vinegar.

You can also add a few drops of lemon to make it smell better....

When I treated Tiny yesterday - I put two drops behind each ear (he's 14 pounds) - right at the base of the ear. For my lioneads, I was told to put one drop right at the base of the ear behind the ear where they can't get to it....its hard to explain...but watch to see where they can and can't clean easily and try to get one of the spots where they cant' get to.

Someone else mentioned the back of the neck.

I'm about to treat over 90 bunnies later tonight with this - I wanted to wait and see if Tiny had any reaction from his.....the only reaction is he thumps me off 'cause I don't have treats handy now when I go to check him...

I know I'm overreacting. At least I hope I am. It's been... difficult. I'm just so grateful we never had our floors carpeted. :?

90 bunnies. Haha. I'd love to dive into that.

Thank you, Peg.


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