First time rabbit owner.

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My babies are doing great. They are gettingbigger by the minute. I am so thankful that I have have a site likethis to find information and help when I need it. Thank allof you again!!!!:D:D:D
That's great news!

Thanks so much for filling us in.

Glad they're all doing well, firstimebunny.

The kits are now 3 weeks old. The will not stayin the nest box either. When I feed momma the babies get in her foodbowl and eat is that ok??? I will add new pics soon.
firstimebunny wrote:
We plan on giving the bsbies to good homes and will not haveanother litter for a year. My other doe has not given birth yet so weare waiting for it. I hope it goes as well as the other dam.
I mean this in a nice way, but if you know very little about rabbits,then why are you breeding them? There is no guarantee thatthe homes they are provided are going to be good homes.
Angel had one baby but it was not alive. And alsothey were already breed when we got them. So I am not going to breedthem again til I learn more. But I am seriously thinking about keepingall of the babies though. I got a pic of them but they arenot all there it is hard to keep them in one place. But they areadorable to watch.

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