Well-Known Member
I have been noticing that the poops of myflemish giant Ben are being consistantly strung together with hair likea necklace. I have been trying to entice him to eat more haybut am not having much luck, and also have been adding papayatablets. I went into a local feed store today and theownertold me that a friend of hers that has rabbits had thesame problem and switched to Heinold 17-19 wool formula rabbitpellets. She swears by this feed and hasn't had any problemswith her rabbits since. Does anyone know if this is a goodfeed and if this is good advice. I bought a bag and it is quite a bitmore expensive than the purina that they are used to.I putsome of it in Ben'sbowl and I got the Butt, so Iquess thats his opinion on the subject. Here's a pic of Benand his girlfriend Zoe enjoying the Purina chow that they hope I putback in his bowl.