Fergi and family

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Fergi's mom


Diva's So Gorgeous - as is Fergi and Samara. :) I love them all.

I've been tempted to take Cali out because thought she could handle thesnow and would like to see her in it, but have been hesitant because Iwant it to get a bit warmer first.

It did crack me up to see her in the house resting after her jauntoutside. All that excitement takes a lot out of them, doesn't it?

I always look forward to your new pictures, Fergi. I adore your three girls.



That is toofunny! Imissed this picture. I have to get a new litter box for Calitoo. I'm so proud of our girls. Fergi and Cali getin these small boxes regardless of how uncomfortable it be.That totally cracks meup.

And this picture of Sam is To Die For! What ears, what anexpression! I wish I could pick her up and give her a BIGHUG.


I love to see them cram themselves into littlespots, like Cali in Tucker's house. Diva tries to fit into the smalldog crate that we have but she can't seem to get her rear-end throughthe door :D.

I cut all the buns nails yesterday and got a nice big bite on mystomach from Diva when we were done :Xit really hurt a lot!Gonna have to work on picking her up more. She weighs a ton though,more than my puppy :shock:so it is easier to just keep her onthe ground.

Sam is an EVIL bunny!! Seriously! She is fine in her cage, will evengive you kisses but try to pick her up to let her out for her run andshe tears my arm and hands to threads!! She got me in the stomach a fewdays ago and I am still sore! Little stinker, she is lucky she is socute!

Fergi's mom

Good Lord, Fergi, :shock:

I'm not surprised that Samara gives you a fuss. Let's face it, you'relucky her Dad didn't scar you. She's got her father in her.

How does Fergi take to the nail clippings?

As to Diva, Honey! You better be handling her more now than everbecause she's just going to get bigger. As much as I hate getting Calion her back, I do it. Dajeti2 told me she swore she watched Apollo growan inch in a day.

I asked someone for advice as to how to deal with Cali when I first hadgotten her and the person said, "Handle her A Lot right now." Greatadvice.

I can't believe that Diva bit you. Did she do it intentionally or wasshe just grabbing on trying to get adjusted to you holding her?

When she gets irritated with you holding her shewill pull at your clothes. I got unlucky this time and got it in thetummy! I am not sure how "intentional" her aim was.

I will really start making a point to handle her more often. She is outall day long but usually doing her own thing and with such a busyhousehold it's easy to forget to take the time to handle her.

Fergi is fine with nail clipping. She is the only one that I don't needto wrap into a bunny burrito! She trances nicely, usually make itthrough all the nails in one sitting.

Thanks for the reminder!

Fergi's mom
You know, we handled bo as a baby and ever sincewe got him..... ALL THE TIME, but we avoided the toenail thing cause wehad never done a bunny's toes before. I really regretthat! I think he would be fine if I had done it early.

I can pretty much do anything to him but trance/trim hisnails. I can open his mouth and look and so can thekids.

I also think the first time he got his nails trimmed, the vet got aquick and he bled :( I don't know but I would think that's a bitpainful.

Anyhow..... I'm glad I see what all of you say here, because Lexi isDETERMINED to have a flemish and has been since she learned about them(right after we got Bo) and she wants one for showing, so I will knowto handle and have her handle it all the time and do the nails andstuff.

It's wonderful learning all we have from all aspects of the bunnies. :)

I loved all your piccies!!!

And I must tell you thta is the 2nd time I have seen the pic of Ben,and what a gorgeous bunny Ben was, I'm sure Ben bought you so muchhappiness. I'm sure Ben is waiting for you at rainbow bridge :)

Looks like Diva had a fun 1st snow day too!!:D:D:D:D
Sam, trying hard not to be seen/caught...


The cord hanging down has already been destroyed, at least it was unplugged, thats why I forgot to hide it!

Feri relaxing after her morning run


Ticked off at me for using the flash when she was resting!


BBB, I am so excited to hear you are getting a flemish in the future.They really are an awesome breed of rabbit and I will always own one.

Fergi's mom




Just had to add some new pictures! I haven't been on much lately, wentout of town this weekend and now I have pleurisy so I am a bituncomfortable right now. I am working on reading all the post! Boy dowe move on this forum eh?! I just haven't been able to sit up typingfor very long.

Fergi's mom
The girls are all Gorgeous. You couldn't havenamed Diva more properly if you tried lol. She is so good for you andthe camera. I love how she had to reast and nap after her snow day.very sweet. I would not want to have to try to get by Fergi guardingthat door. That look is pretty Scary lol. Sam looking for craisins isso precious. I love all the pictures. I hope you get to feeling betterreal soon.

Look at that Diva girl - she is just beautiful,and those EARS!!! Your pup sure is growing up fast. Sorry you arefeeling bad, hope you get well real soon - then you can add morephotos! :p:D- Jan

ps - I love your Ben avatar
This picture's great! My three, especially Cali, think that if she can't see me, I can't see her.


I really love the close-up shots of Diva. And Fergi's such aLove. Give them all kisses for me. Are they allgetting along okay?

Yep, that is what Sam thinks for sure! She issuch a brat, I think she pretty much hates me:(. Oh well, I will keeploving her even if she doesn't return the favor!

Fergi and Sam are still getting along well. Sam and Diva do pretty well together but when they are out together the poops fly!

Fergi and Diva would be a BIG NO NO, Fergi is h**l bent on killing Diva!

Thanks everyone for the compliments!

Fergi's mom

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