Female spraying?

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Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
, California, USA
We just adopted another bunny from the shelter this weekend. His name is Presley. He is a White, Netherland, Dwarf, about 3 years old and neutered. We got Presley so Princess (the white Lion Head) could have a species of her own to bond with. They are in separate areas with a pen divider so they can smell one another and lay down by each other. I have allowed them to meet face to face with the no divider and Princess did a little hop and kick and either peed or sprayed Presley right in the face. Poor Presley just stood there and took it...I wasn't aware that females sprayed ? She also tried to mount him. I had to yank her off and she was upset and was making growling sounds.. Maybe Princess is a Prince? She is about 4 or 5 months I believe and I am calling tomorrow to inquire getting her spayed.
Thank you in advance for you reply's! I am new to this bunny world and trying to read all I can.
Females do mount. I believe it has to do with dominance. Unless they are outright pawing each other in the face, it is not fighting.

Since Princess is not spayed yet, be careful. She will be ready in a month or 2 though. I got lucky as my bonded pair has been getting along just fine, even though Bubbles is not spayed yet (she will be ready next month at 6 months old). However, I just read some posts where people were saying their non-spayed female became aggressive and was ripping out the fur of the male. Although she likes him, she is a little... hormonal? :?

Bonded pairs need to establish dominance/hierarchy/etc. with each other. It sounds like your bunnies are already ready to get along. Let them do their bunny thing but just watch them and don't freak out if you find them mounting each other. It is all part of bonding. Only separate them if it truly looks like fighting.

My bunnies did the same thing and it took me quite a bit of courage to not interfere. They chased each other around the pen several times. But when they were licking each other's ears, I knew it was time for the bunnymoon!!!
Thank you! Princess has pulled some fur off of Presley.. it looks like she is biting the back of his neck, but I don't hear Presley making any noise as if it is hurting... but it looks like it does. So yes, I panic and pull her off. Presley is shedding, so his fur comes off easily.
I learned that Princess is quite a digger... I went to check on them and she had dug a tunnel and was laying in the other side of the pen with Presley..Not together, but both laying down, not separated! I saw some of his fur scattered around, checked for blood and there was none on either.. (I did fix that, she can't tunnel under anymore)
One more question, Princess has such long hair and now that is is allowed to play and dig in the dirt, she has dirt balls stuck to her bottom from peeing or spraying. How do I safety remove that dirt. (her beautiful white fur is now gray. I hate that! But I guess she should be allowed to be a bunny and play in the dirt :(


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