Feed n Feet

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I read the attached site and would you be so kind as to break it downin laymans terms for me? What is scabies, if indeed this isthe proper term he is using?

Thank you soooo much ahead of time, for when you get time, I know what a busy bunny you are (sorry couldnt help it)

Lotsa gratitude

Hi Cher,

Scabies is a type of mite that can also infest humans -- the relevantpiece of the website that I posted is farther down in the article.

Here's another thought (although I'm still concerned about Jade beingoff feed, so continue the Nutri Cal) -- Try some human foot anti-fungalpowder from the drug store. We commonly see tissue break downon the hind feet of English angoras (despite the fact they have a thickcoating of wool on the feet) -- it's so common that I spray their feetwith iodine each time they are sheared (every 6 weeks).


Pam you are fantastic, that is a great piece ofadvice-and I know the land of convenience I live in here has 24 hourpharmacies, so once I am done here-OFF I GO!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry I dont have the smileys downloaded anymore, or I would do the big ol "YOUR DA WOMAN" one

OH OH OH, I forgot to mention, hence the edit (Jade started munchinghappily away on her new food when I brought them home from the vettoday-after her nurtical on mango dose)




Take some close-up pictures of Jade's feet and send them to me, andI'll post them. It will be good to see them, as Buck pointed out, inthis very educational post.

What I meant by littermates was are they biological siblings?

NO doubt, Dr. Pam is The Best; most patient, kind, noble, and generous.

Oh oh oh , okay will do Carolyn...I just put anew roll in today as a matter of fact (tiss a 40 roll though, so mighttake a bit, but will be sure to do so!) I am embarassed to say I dontknow if they were littermates. They have extremely different body typesand colouring (although I would think colouring wouldnt really havemuch to do with it) HELP, I feel like a mother who found her children,awww sorry Carolyn.

Now, can the mites live in Jade's cage? If so, other than its dailycleaning (should I be using light water/bleach mix?) how does she healso to speak?

oh my, so many questions, I am sorry :(

Yes, Cher. You should use a water/bleach mix in cleaning the cages.

Since you've rid yourself of the problem of the feed, bleached thecage, are checking for mites in the hay you're giving them, and willtreat Jade and Jez with Ivermectin, the mites, or any parasites, havelittle chance of surviving that sort of attack against them.

I'd wash all toys. If there's any sort of bedding or stuffed animals,it might be best to either rid of it or put it in a plastic bag tightlytied and store it away for at least 30 days after washing it in hotwater. Vacuum all furniture and rugs and then throw out the bag. Dothat again in Days 7-10 as you want to get rid of any eggs that havebeen laid. Don't know what kind of bugs we're talking about, but sinceyou're on a roll, you might as well just be safe.

Not to worry about how long it takes to get the pictures. It's just todocument what's going on for future reference as I will definitely bekeeping this history in my rabbit binder.


What a wonderful relief to know I can combatthis. They are toyless. Not due to my part, they just dont care forthem and consider toilet paper rolls toys, and also the wood which Jezlikes to throw around like a ragdoll to show her discontent at times.The hay I purchase is the fancy kind "imported" hehe (as in notTaiwanese made)so I dont believe there should be a health issue withit, although I will check it.

Thanks again guys :)




When you get the Ivermectin, feed one pea-sized dollop, or place dollopon the fore paw where it will be licked up by Jade and Jez. Repeat thetreament in 10 days for two more times.

Be careful not to give more than a pea-sized dollop as it can be fatal to the rabbits if given too much.

Cher wrote:
Now, can the mites live in Jade's cage? If so, other than its dailycleaning (should I be using light water/bleach mix?) how does she healso to speak?

Mites primarily reside on the animal (unlike fleas). Alsounlike fleas, mites are microscopic, you would not be seeing them inthe cage. Most likely some other "bug" that is not (we hope)bothering the rabbits. Do you have photos of the bugs?

Was there another reference to the bugs in the posts that I missed? --Not sure how we got on the mite/scabie subject, except I remember youmentioned in an earlier post that you had seen bugs around the cage.

My last post of the night I promise, since it is Sat 11pm my time and I am bushed!

Pam: yes, I was wrong about the bugs, there are not any "live" oneson/in my girls-there might of been some in the feed (which I haveeliminated and changed already today) and the bug I did see around thecage came from said feed :( OH and I was startingto talk about scabies because that is what the vet called the mite thatJade has, and I did not know what it was or where it came from (now Ido)

Goodnight all xo

Cher, Jezebel and Jade

Do you, therefore, need pelleted feed shipped to you from the U.S. orCanada? Do you have any preferences? Does anyonehave any suggestions about good feed for ailing bunnies? Twofeeds necessary? One for ailing Jade, and another for Jezebel?

In the older rabbits, pellets can belimited. Dark leafy greens, a few veggies and healthy fruits,hay and some pellets along with a little nutri-cal can provide an easyto metabolize food for the older or ailing rabbit. Baby foodis also commonly used. It's easy to digest and providesnutrients. Also canned pumpkin (without added sugar) is good.

Mr. Buck-I thank you from the bottom of mylittle heart for such a thoughtful question, but I can purchase imported foodhere (from the good ol U.S of A no less! and their hay is from Canada*clapclapclap*)

This morning I awoke to NO pellets in Jade's dish...such a relief-andpromptly gave her more. (I actually saw her do the kangaroo pose too!,her energy level has increased drastically in just two days of nutricaland now new pellets.)

I had a thought, yes, it happens from time totime .Jade is going in for once a week shots for the next 2-3 weeks. Inregards to the Ivermectin~I can find out exactly what the shots arecomposed of, and what the medication isthat I am giving hersince my thought was I didnt want to over medicate her. I was thinkingalong the lines of not wanting to combine medications that may have anegative affect on her system or for that matter be fatal.

THANK YOU everyone, and that link was quite informative Dr.Pam~gracias


Lotsa love

Cher, Jezebel and Jade

Glad to hear Jade's making progress, Cher! :dude:

I completely agree with you about combining medications. I wouldn't. Doyou know what type of medication the doctor's giving her?

Since you've already started with the shots and you're seeing progressso quickly, perhaps it's best to stick with what you're doing with theshots and let that take it's course.

You can always treat with Ivermectin at another time. Some give it to their rabbits every so often just for safe keeping.

Cher wrote:
This morning I awoke to NO pellets in Jade's dish...such a relief-andpromptly gave her more. (I actually saw her do the kangaroo pose too!,her energy level has increased drastically in just two days of nutricaland now new pellets.)

Very glad to hear that good news!!!!!!

I cant thank you guys enough for your support andthe wealth of information over the last couple of days-I am off now forthe night, dont want a repeat of staying here till the wee hours. Ohand Carolyn, I am going to get the name of her med's and shots onFriday (your Thurs)
Have a GREATDAY andI am off to have a good night (with a better sleep nowtoo )

Cher,Jezebel and Jade

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