Fayl - 1 year ago today.

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
A year ago, to this day, and almost at this same time, last year....my precious heart rat was put to sleep due to a tumor on the brain.

Fayl was my first "real" pet. I paid for everything for her, with no help from anyone.

Fayl was rescued from a "friend", that had her inside a tiny hamster cage, on moldy pine bedding, algae filled water bottle, a dirty sock as a "bed", and was being fed saltine crackers.

I took her in, bathed her, bought her a HUGE cage, and spoiled her with love. As nice as her cage was, she was hardly in it, maybe 6 hours a day, while I slept. Fayl would run around my bedroom, nap on my bed, pee on Ryan's dirty socks on the floor, and go everywhere with me....to the store, out for coffee, to the mall, ect.

She loved to lay beside me on my bed while I surfed the internet on my laptop. She also loved to drown me with kisses...she would lick my hands, lips, ears, face...for hours if I let her. Sometimes it would annoy me, so I would put her onto the floor...and she would climb back up onto the bed no matter how many times I put her to the floor.

You could say Fayl was my best friend. We had a close bond, that could never be broken.

I did some research on rats when I brought her home, not much, but I knew what kind of foods she could eat and what type of toys she would like to play with. I sewed her an adorable "cube" to sleep in at night. One thing I didn't read about, was, a rat's life span and illness.

Fayl's death came on quick. I took her out of her cage last November 6th, in the morning, to play while I ate breakfast. I put her back in her cage while I showered, then went back to her cage to let her out.

Fayl didn't come out right away, like she used to. I called her name, and she wobbled up. Her spine looked twisted and her back legs were dragging, her tail spinning in circles.

I called for a vet appointment and waited...with my best friend, most likely in pain, but as happy and as licky as can be.

The vet said her outcome wasn't good. We could drug her up on prednisone and other meds, or help her cross to rattie heaven.

I made my first choice...not an everyday choice, life or death, and I had to give her death.

Fayl crossed over to rattie heaven, after living and amazing life with me for only 4 short months.

Today, to celebrate her life....Ryan and I bought Rattatoulie to watch, while pigging out on vanilla ice cream with our current pet ratties. Fayl loved vanilla ice cream :).

Fayl will always be remembered sitting on my shoulder or hanging out between my "boobage". I am going to get a tattoo, when I have the time, of her on my chest, reaching towards my heart.


Play well in rattie heaven, Fayl.....my precious heart rat :hearts.

Aww what a nice way to do a tribute of your sweet baby. I am sorry that you lost her so suddenly. But she had the best home ever. You saved her and gave her so much love until her day. She knew that you loved her dearly.
I think that the decision to help a much beloved animal cross the rainbow bridge is one of the most heartbreaking...and often unselfish decisions we can ever make.

I'm so sorry for your loss - I know from the times you talked about her while you were here that she was very much beloved.

Fayl was is so adorable. Her spirit lives on in you, I c an tell :)

You loved her so much, and thats the best thing you could do for her.

Im so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do.
Thanks, Peg and Silvie :hug2:!

When I talk about her, my voice still gets all crackly and I start to tear up. She is always on my shoulder though, giving kisses to her mommy!

I can't wait to get her as my first tattoo. It is going to be adorable, and really special.
That was a very nice tribute to your rattie.
I'm very happy she had a wonderful end to life.
My heart rat, Taco, just hit a year old. Your post touched me, because I can't help but to think of what will happen to me when Taco passes. I really wish rats lived longer.
killertheturtle wrote:
My heart rat, Taco, just hit a year old. Your post touched me, because I can't help but to think of what will happen to me when Taco passes. I really wish rats lived longer.

To be honest, you will feel the pain from it for a very long time. I still feel the pain from Fayl's passing, but I like to look at her as still being here with me. I know she is always on my shoulder, going everywhere with me like she used to.

I have two male ratties right now, I love them dearly and one of them is has become my "second" heart rat. As much as I love them, I still don't have the connection with them like I did with Fayl. I am sure that will change some day, heck...maybe even tomorrow.

Rats really aren't with us long, that is why it is important to cook them dinners every night and really appreciate them, because when they aren't here anymore...you will regret those missed dinner nights and regret not taking your rattie out of it's cage when it is begging to be loved on for a few minutes before you are about to collapse in bed because you are so tired.

Rats are special. I hope everyone one day can realize just how loving and special each and every rat is, regardless of their "reputation".