Favorite Veggies you feed your rabbit daily?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
, Kentucky, USA
Hey everybody!

I find myself feeding my rabbit the same types of vegetables most of the time, to my 11 month old Lionhead! So, I want to know what your favorite veggies are, and also treats!
I feed leafy greens and herbs every day. I rotate through a couple mixed greens from the grocery store (spring mix, baby greens mix, 7 lettuces mix), spinach, kale, turnip greens, what ever looks the best at the store. For the herbs I get cilantro and parsly the most. I give cucumber, green papers, carrots, broccoli, squash, green beans in smaller ammounts. Come summer I grow vegetables and herbs for rabbit and turtle use as well as our own.

As for treats I use very small amounts of fruit- banana, papya, berries, apple. They are very sweet so she only gets about a table spoon per week. I use the tiniest bits I can for clicker training.
My rabbits get same salad every day...romaine, baby spinich, either parsley or cilantro, and 2 baby carrots. They don't seem to appreciate any attempts to introduce new veggies.
Ours get dandelion greens, cilantro, parsley, italian parsley, and carrot in the morning and at night they get romaine lettuce, parsley, italian parsley, and cilantro. Used to also give them spinach and kale but had some problem with bladder sludge because of the higher calcium in these.
I buy a lot of romaine because it comes in big heads and holds up well in the fridge. I also get other lettuces (typically green leaf or chicory). Parsley is their favorite so they get a little of that every day.

And that's pretty much it! During the summer when I'm part of a farm share the bunnies get whatever lettuce mix or spinach or whatever that we get (unless the people get to it first). I also give them any extra herbs I might have after buying them for cooking and not using them all.

My boy has a sensitive stomach and is a really picky eater, so I don't branch out much other than that. I tried to give them brussel sprout leaves the other day and he ended up with poopy butt (I was shocked he even tried them).
I think I am in the minority being able to feed all sorts of stuff. Becky just likes it and she still poops normally so I give the veriety.

Incase you have not found them, the vegetable specific (green) ziplock bags are fantastic! I wash my vegetables and put them in the bags with a paper towel. They stay super fresh for over a week. I have not had any produce go bad since I started using them. I'm not sure what makes them differnt.
Tim hates routine. We have to switch it up to keep him entertained. I keep a whiteboard in the kitchen tracking how he likes stuff. Right now he's into red and green bell peppers, parsley, basil, broccoli, and green beans. We switch it up, and mix with things like Romaine lettuce, carrots, and others. He also of course loves fruit, but those are treats and are limited. I swear he would do a backflip for some Craisins.

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